
Webinar-Site Search

Enhancing Ecommerce Site Search

Did you know that search users are 8-10 times more likely to purchase than a regular site visitor? We’ve invited an expert panel to discuss their top tips and tricks to enhance your site search.

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What the Heck is Headless Commerce?

Headless commerce is the decoupling of front end and back end of an ecommerce application in an attempt to enhance customer experience. But, why is this trend emerging? What are the benefits?

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Auditing Your Ecommerce Website

Have a vision for what a modern version of your website looks like? Great! But, where do you start? Expert tips to analyze, personalize, and improve user experience on your site.

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Ecommerce Predictions for 2022: 10 hot-ticket items for your site

Ecommerce Predictions for 2022

- Black Friday / Cyber Monday Content - Reflect on ecommerce predictions for 2022 in this webinar from Searchspring Yotpo, CQL, and Gifts For You.

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Turn Seasonal Buyers into Long Term Customers

- Black Friday / Cyber Monday Content - Being prepared for Black Friday is obviously critical. But, figuring out a scalable and repeatable way to nurture those people to become long term customers has a science of its own.

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Searchspring new ecommerce personalization tools

How to use Searchspring’s new ecommerce personalization tools

Find out how to deliver personalized shopping experiences on your store with the latest product releases from Searchspring.

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How to capitalize on the ecommerce boom with site search and merchandising

How to capitalize on the ecommerce boom with site search and merchandising

Ecommerce has evolved. Watch the webinar to learn how to leverage site search and merchandising to meet heightened customer expectations.

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Influencer marketing webinar

The 2020 Ecommerce Holiday Countdown: Influencer Marketing

- Black Friday / Cyber Monday Content - Paul Benigeri, Co-Founder and Partner at EAG, walks through how to explore influencer marketing for ecommerce on a thrifty budget.

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paid advertising webinar

The 2020 Ecommerce Holiday Countdown: Paid Advertising

- Black Friday / Cyber Monday Content - Noel Liotta, Business Development Manager at ROI Revolution, provides her insights on all things ecommerce paid advertising.

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