Delivering Exceptional Online Shopping Experiences with Shopware

Creating Engaging Product Discovery Experiences That Drive Conversions and Repeat Customers

Merchants today need powerful tools to help shoppers find what they’re looking for on a website. Without those tools, merchants risk losing conversions when a shopper cannot efficiently search the product catalog and make a purchase.

Through the Searchspring + Shopware partnership, merchants can get the right products in front of the right person at the right time by layering the Searchspring technology on top of the Shopware platform — ultimately driving conversions, revenue, and repeat customers.

In this on-demand webinar, we sat down with our friends at Shopware to chat about how we work together to create the best possible online shopping experiences.

Here are just a few questions covered in the webinar:
  • Who is Shopware?
  • Why are site search and product discovery so important for merchants
  • What does the Searchspring x Shopware partnership mean for brands and retailers?


Ready to learn more about the Searchspring and Shopware integration? Watch the on-demand webinar below.👇

If you would like to learn more about providing the ultimate shopper experience through Search, Personalization, Merchandising, and Insights, you can request a demo tailored especially for you.


Hi, I’m Nicole Kappner, partner manager at Searchspring. And today, we’re here to talk about creating exceptional online experiences with our newest platform partner Shopware I’m joined by Emilio Pontarelli. Emilio, do you want to tell us a little bit about yourself?


Sure, thanks for having me to call. So my name is Emilio Pontarelli, Technology Partner Manager, here at Shopware, and my primary role involves the acquisition and retention of our technology partners.


Really with a main focus on growing our ecosystem for our merchants, I was fortunate enough to join the Shopware US. Team early on, and it’s been really incredible journey to see how much we’ve grown since, so really excited to be here and talk a little bit more about our new partnership with Searchspring.


Awesome, let’s go ahead and kick things off today with the first question. Who is shop where?


OK, so Shopware is a leading e-commerce platform founded in 2000 by 2 brothers, space in Germany. And over the last 23 years, we’ve really evolved into a pretty sophisticated and easy to use platform.


Made for about 50,000 merchants were the largest e-commerce platform in Germany. The third largest in Europe, sixth largest globally, and were growing at about 35% year over year.


Last year, we raised around $100 million from our partners, PayPal and Carlyle Group, to really accelerate our product development and growth.


Which is one of the reasons why we opened the US Office and now have about 22 people help driving, go to market for us.


Now from an ICP perspective, we believe there’s an underserved market.


The key here is really Complexity.


So what’s interesting about us is if you ask who we compete against or who are really good fit for, almost 100% of the time, it’s merchants on a legacy platform, evaluating a move to a new SaaS or self hosted platform, we can offer both. And for the longest time, those merchants fad to choose between flexibility and ease of use.


So today we’re working with a diverse group of global brands, such as Staples, Whitey Industries, Phillips, and Fish and Corrupt.


So we’re adaptable to both B2C and B2B brands.


And what makes us unique in this market is that we’re open source API first and headless. So our merchants have complete flexibility and control.


And can cover our low code, It can leverage our low code and out of the box features that make, that makes our platform easy to use and offers. Marketing teams like traditional Sasse players offer things like spinning up landing pages, running promotions of built-in CMS, and so on.


We also offer merchants complete flexibility on hosting so they can choose self hosting, platform as a service, or our cloud sass solution as well. So essentially, shop. Where is an open commerce platform that empowers businesses to grow freely and really effectively.


Awesome, Thanks for that. So in mili, Oh, tell me why our Site search and product discovery so important for merchants?


Yeah. So naturally, with my job description, I evaluate a ton of different technologies to see how their products can bring value to our merchants. And, inevitably to their customers.


Everything from e-mail marketing, to tax and accounting tools.


So when it comes to products search and discovery, I think there’s a few points as to why it’s so important.


First is, quite frankly, it’s expected. Online shoppers expect an easy and seamless online experience.


They want to find what they’re looking for quickly and without hassles So to provide them with a relevant result that actually matches their search queries, eliminates the need for them to scroll through page after page, making their customer feel like this site was designed specifically for them.


Second, is conversion rates.


The ability to find exactly what you’re looking for might seem obvious to most, but it’s really fundamental to actually making a purchase Shoppers can’t buy what they can’t find.


And with an advanced search and discovery tool like Searchspring, the likelihood of a purchase goes way, way up.


And last, is customer retention.


A positive shopping experience is really key to the loyalty and LTV of your customers.


So when shoppers can easily find and discover products on your site, they’re more likely to come back.


And I think this positive experiences coupled with personalization and other tools from Searchspring, creates the customer loyalty. Your brand needs to really stick around for the long haul.


For sure, I couldn’t agree more. Now, let’s talk a little bit more about how shop where and search bring are working together. Really, what does our partnership mean for brands and retailers?




So I think the problems that Searchspring solve for can be parceled out in three ways, so to speak. So merchants’ need to get the right product to the right person at the right time. You’ll hear this a lot, but it’s difficult, in my opinion, to do all three of these well.


So, for example, you can show the right product to a customer at the right time. But if it’s not truly to the right person, the chances of them actually taking out their credit card are slim to none. So, now, shopper customers who have search being integrated into the platform, whether you’re B2B or B2C, can feel confident that their site is optimized with the best search and discovery tool to drive more traffic, and ultimately convert more customers.


Awesome, thanks so much for your insight. It’s been a pleasure to chat with you today, Emilio. If you’re looking to learn more about implementing Searchspring on your Shopware site, feel free to send me an e-mail at Thanks for joining us.


Thanks for having me. Appreciate it.


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