
What is Searchandising?

Searchandising is a mash-up of the words “Search” and “Merchandising“. Not only is it a mash-up of words, it’s also a mash-up of two different products and creating a strategy between the two to get relevant products in front of the right shoppers and improve the shopper experience.


Search and Merchandising Working Together

To get Searchandising to work effectively, merchants need an ecommerce solution that provides both search and merchandising. This ensures efficiency and makes sure each component is talking to the other.


Below are some Searchandising tools all online stores should take advantage of and have in their toolkit.


Autocomplete helps guide shoppers with a list of suggestions and predictions in the search bar. Not only does Autocomplete make an enhanced shopper experience, it also gets the shopper in front of relevant products you carry.

Learn More About Autocomplete

Boost Rules 

Let shoppers know what is new, exclusive, a best seller, and more with boost rules. Not only do boost rules put these items at the top of pages, they also demote out-of-stock items to the bottom of pages as well.

Custom Filter Order 

No one likes the default filters on their ecommerce platform. Find an ecommerce product that will help you create and organize your own filters.

Expanded Search

In some cases, a product can’t be found through search. The last thing anyone wants is to display zero-results. An expanded search tool replaces no-results with products closely related to the original searched term.


What’s selling in New York isn’t always the same thing that’s selling in San Diego. Set up rules that show merchandise appropriate for separate regions. This can include seasonally appropriate items, local sports teams, and other items that reflect climate.

Inline Banners 

Inline banners communicate to shoppers information about promotions, sales, and content. They help reach more people and alert to shoppers to things they may not be aware of.

Learn More About Inline Banners


IntelliSuggest is a special search solution feature that puts the most searched items at the top of search results pages.

Learn More About IntelliSuggest

Live Indexing 

How fast does your product feed update? It’s important. Some ecommerce tools update right away, some take several hours or even days.

Learn More About Live Indexing

Merchandising Campaigns 

It’s important to have a tool that gives you control over your site. Find a product that lets you create dynamic campaigns and custom landing pages to maximize messaging – and conversions.

Learn More About Merchandising Campaigns

Popular Searches 

Popular searches inspire shoppers by showing them timely, relevant products. Let shoppers know what’s hot by showing them trending products.

Pinning Products

Pin certain products to the top of pages to make sure they’re seen.

Removing Products

It’s not a great experience for shoppers to see products they can’t get. Remove products that are no longer available, or better yet, find a tool that does it for you to save time and money in the long run.


Use Searchandising on Your Ecommerce Site

To get the most out of Searchandising, find an easy-to-use ecommerce solution with great customer support to help strategize and plan. The easier the solution is to use, the more time and money you’ll save and the quicker you’ll start seeing results.


(Products like Searchspring also offer Personalization and Insights, so we’re eagerly awaiting the creation of Insearchperandising.)

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