Black Friday is Over, Now What?

Black Friday / Cyber Monday Content - Black Friday in neon lights; CTA: More black friday / cyber monday content; Black Friday in neon lights; CTA to more black friday / cyber monday content
Black Friday is over, now what? Searchspring hopped in a time machine for our November webinar this year. We jumped ahead a few weeks into the future to a time when Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2022 is over for talk about your post-Black Friday checklist.
What now? What’s next? What did we learn?
To find out what the future holds, we got together with a few ecommerce experts to chat about what to do after Black Friday. Joining us on the panel were:
While our conversation covered many different areas of ecommerce, we focused primarily on segmentation, analytics, promotions, and personalization.
Here are some key takeaways from the Black Friday is Over, Now What? webinar:
  • Examine Your Promotional Strategy

Does your strategy align with your brand? While technically something that can be done at any time of the year, post-Black Friday is as good a time as any to take stock of your brand and promotional strategy. Are you a “discounting brand”? Are there other ways to offer promotions besides discounts?

  • Do Your Research!

Yes, it is tempting to take some time off and binge The Crown, but resist the temptation and dig into your sales and traffic data. Understand what went well and where you can improve. Now is the perfect time while it is all fresh in your mind.

  • Nurture Your Shoppers

You possibly spent months on your Black Friday promotional strategy. Don’t let that strategy deflate after Black Friday. Follow up and communicate with your shoppers. Thank them for their purchase. Ask for feedback. Make them want to continue shopping by boosting their experience and turn one-time shoppers into repeat customers.

  • Don’t Flush Your Black Friday URLs

Your URLs are important parts of your marketing strategy. If you remove the URLs you will drain that juice from your SEO program. You can easily direct people to other pages of your store, but keep those Black Friday pages live.

Watch the full webinar on the Searchspring YouTube channel to hear more insights from the panel. Then get ready to have a fast-paced and fruitful Black Friday!

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