How Personalized Email Boosts Conversions

Email marketing isn’t just for broadcasting information to customers. With the right strategy, email is one of the most reliable channels to drive ecommerce conversions and build lasting relationships with shoppers. 

When creating an email strategy, ask: Do I want to send friendly-but-generic brand updates? Or: Will I deliver attention-grabbing, conversion-boosting pieces of content? 

To serve up attention-grabbing, conversion-boosting emails, ecommerce sites need personalized email recommendations


Personalized Email Recommendations = Increased Sales

The success rates of personalized email recommendations is undeniable: 

  • Personalized emails deliver 6x higher transaction rates.
  • Personalized email marketing generates a median ROI of 122%.
  • 59% of leading marketers say personalization increases email engagement.
  • 71% of consumers expect companies to deliver personalized interactions, and 76% get frustrated when this doesn’t happen.
  • 55% of consumers say they ignore or opt-out of emails that lack relevance. 

Bland messaging and irrelevant content simply doesn’t work with today’s online shoppers. To cut through the noise, hyper-personalized, 1:1 email content is key. 


4 Tips for Conversion–Boosting Emails

It’s one thing to deliver on-site personalization and product recommendations when a customer is actively browsing. But how do you translate this experience to the shopper’s inbox? 

1. Segment by Behavior

The first step to personalizing email content is to segment your mailing list based on shopper behavior. For example, one segment could be visitors who browse but rarely buy. Target this shopper with best-seller recommendations to highlight the products that reliably convert.

On the other hand, high-spending, repeat buyers can be effectively targeted with recommendations for new arrivals and pricier products. Dynamic content is key to personalizing these recommendations at scale so each recipient gets “hand-picked” suggestions with a single email send.

2. Show More Products They Love

Beyond general browsing, email can be used to resurface specific products individual shoppers recently viewed. Be careful not to spam customers with this approach, however. Set a rule to only send this type of email if a shopper has viewed a particular product more than once. Along with the specific item the shopper has shown an interest in, feature recommendations for similar products at various price points. 

3. Trigger Emails at Critical Moments

Timing is everything when it comes to personalized email recommendations. For the greatest impact, trigger email sequences in response to certain shopper actions. For example, if a customer reaches checkout but bails before they complete their purchase, send a cart abandonment email to remind them of the products they had their eye on. If a loyal customer hasn’t made a purchase in a while, reach out with recommendations for products you know they love. Make sure to choose an email marketing solution that integrates with your ecommerce platform to leverage real-time data. 

4. Don’t Forget Post-Purchase Personalization

A completed purchase isn’t the end of personalization efforts. In fact, this is the perfect time to initiate a new email sequence. Start with a thank you note for the shopper’s recent purchase and a discount code to encourage a return visit. If the customer isn’t already a loyalty program member, suggest they join and explain the perks. Next, send product recommendations tailored to their purchase. Whether it’s similar products from the same category, or complementary must-have accessories, this helps guide them to new, relevant products, generates follow-up sales, and builds a relationship with new customers.


Personalize the Entire Shopper Journey

Deliver hyper-relevant suggestions straight to their inbox to stay top of mind. 

Personalized email recommendations are just one part of end-to-end ecommerce personalization. From product discovery to post-purchase communication, use a solution that helps curate a personalized, engaging buyer journey

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