Ecommerce Fashion Webinar: Prepare for Your Upcoming Seasonal Collection

Get ready with Searchspring » Join a panel of ecommerce fashion experts to discuss merchandising, personalization, and search best practices.
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Staying on top of seasonal trends is vital to achieving long-term success in the fashion industry. Our recent webinar shared practical tips, strategies, and insights from our panel of ecommerce industry experts, hosted by Searchspring’s Head of APAC, Kate Massey.

We heard some fantastic insights about how to prepare for your next collection and dive into merchandising, personalization, and search best practices that will take your online store from basic to fabulous.

Fashion ecommerce is a fast-paced, rapidly evolving industry. Providing customers with a seamless experience in peak shopping seasons can build brand loyalty, boost conversions and improve customer retention.

At the ecommerce fashion webinar, you’ll learn to learn the following:
  • Latest fashion and apparel ecommerce trends
  • Providing a seamless user experience
  • Preparing for peak shopping seasons
  • Merchandising rules across geographies
  • Going global vs staying local

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to gain valuable insights from ecommerce fashion industry experts and become a trendsetter.

Access your on-demand webinar now!


Ready to learn more about ecommerce fashion and apparel?

Right, Hi, everyone. And thank you for tuning into our panel discussion today on preparing for your upcoming seasonal collection, how to scale your fashion and apparel site. Now, we’re just going to give it a few moments for people to start dialing in. I can say that the attendee list is starting to creep up, which is fantastic. And we’ll just give it a few moments as that number is going up.


Sarah, it looks nice and sunny where you’re dialing in from.


Surprisingly, from Melbourne. Yeah, it looks can be deceiving. No doubt, it’ll probably ran into now.


I have no doubt.


Great, it looks like we’ve got some good attendees dialed in, so we will get started. Thank you, everyone, for dialing in. We are going to be unpacking, preparing for your upcoming seasonal collection, how to scale your fashion and apparel sites. This will be a panel discussion with some fantastic fashion and apparel industry, e-commerce leaders.


I am Kate Massey say, I’m a head of APAC at Searchspring, and I will be today’s moderator. Feel free to connect with me. The easiest way to do that is via e-mail or my LinkedIn as well. I’ve been searching for just over two years now. I was Office boots on the ground. And we have been very busy and region growing our base of customers, particularly in the fashion and apparel space. We can go on page.


Excellent. So, talking about introducing today’s presenters, we have up first Alyssa, the head of e-commerce for Aje, Alyssa. Welcome. Thank you so much for joining us. Tell us about the branding, your experience.


Thanks, OK. So, yes, my name is Alyssa. I’m the head of e-commerce at Aje. So, Aje contemporary Australian fashion brand. And actually this year marks our 15 year anniversary. I’ve been working for Aje for nearly four years, however, had been working in the e-commerce industry now for roughly 10 years, so, quite a bit of experience, I’d say.


Absolutely, and we look forward to unpacking that experience as we go through today. And next up, we have Sera, the e-commerce, product manager for Kookai.


Hi, everyone. Thanks. Searchspring for having me here today. On Sarah, the e-commerce, product manager at Kookai, Kookai is a trillion, women’s fashion brand with 48 stores across Australia and New Zealand, and also our French family spread across the Paris and European regions. I’ve been with Kookai for 10 years. This is my 10th year, this year. And it’s been very exciting time for Kookai not only the brand as a whole, but for a commerce and digital in general.


Absolutely. And last up, we’ve got Matt, is the Head of Digital Marketing for St. Frock. Matt I was talking for a conference on the Gold Coast, which I’m going to after this webinar recording, unpack some of my same product dresses.




And thanks again for having me and Searchspring. Yes, sir.


As you said, I head up digital marketing for Saint Frock, so that covers everything from E-commerce, CRM, social paid media, and the creative team.


So St. Frock is an Australian based women’s, online fashion retailer, they receive worldwide and the brands in 2010 and its female owned and fully self funded. So, there are proud of.


Excellent. Yeah, really good to have you all, and I know you all have extensive experience in both growing brands, navigating some uncertain times as well. So really looking forward to going through that today. So intense about our agenda today.


What we’re going to be covering is the latest fashion and apparel e-commerce trends. What are we seeing out there in the current landscape? What have we seen so far in 2023? And what are we expecting for the coming year, also? Then, starting to look at Providing a seamless user experience. And I know each of you for attending a lot of working with you have really focused on creating that seamless user experience. We’re then going to jump into merchandising rules. Across geographies. What are the differences? What are the considerations? What are the things that we need to be looking at? As well as going global versus staying local tips, tricks, insights, advice, and learnings along the way. So let’s get into our first topic.


Great. So, first, first up, so the latest fashion and apparel e-commerce trends. What have we seen emerging so far in 2023? So, Alyssa, why don’t you kick us off?


Yeah, so I’d say, before I dive into these trends, it’s no doubt that the industry is very much experience in the affected by inflation. And with this at age, and I’d say across the board, we are seeing quite a significant shift in our customer behavior. So with that, our customers have tighter budgets. They’re doing a lot more research before they are converting them before them, making that purchase, with that, customers are also spending a lot more time browsing on-site before this purchase occurs.


So, we’re seeing our time on sites, and quite significantly up on the prior, we’re seeing customers continually coming back to our site before making that final purchase. But also, we’re seeing our customers, particularly in the Australian landscape, using the search function on our site more than ever, They know what they want, they’ve done that research, and they know what they’re looking for. And, that’s what we’re, we’re really, very much saying, which is quite a different change to, I’d say, this time last year.


Yeah, that’s so interesting, particularly, with the current economic landscape, having that consider perches. So people are still spending, they’re just thinking about what they’re spending more. Sera, what are you saying emerging so far in 2023?


Yeah. I’m sure quite a similar view to Alyssa’s view with no change in consumer behavior and how our customers are shopping. But, I think as well, probably for for brand like guy with a significant store presence to, obviously, there’s a lot of you with brito opening back up now, post event.


You know, it’s been great to obviously be able to have served to the business and the way you made it to the lockdown that occurred over the last couple of years and all that. But, as well, it’s fine to say our customers being able to go back and just store and really focusing on all things. Omni channel, you know, how they utilize the tool and the groups to shop and transacting store.


Quite similarly, you know, they’re browsing online, whether, with Kookai or another brand, doing their research. But at the same time, our customers, using our website, as a reference, or as a tool going into store with a wish list, or what they’ve got to say, the screen shots of different collections that we’ve got going to store and transacting in that way. So I think, you know, it’s a win-win for both sides of the business. I don’t like to pull them science. You know, it is. It is the customer, At the end of the day.


But an exciting, I guess, Trend.


Oh, re-imaging of retail opening, back up and that whole omnichannel experience.


Yeah, and that’s an interesting one when, traditionally, the e-commerce same have the e-commerce metrics. But, how do you grapple with having both the e-commerce and the retail, and bringing those two channels together?


It’s a tricky one, I think.


I think, you know, there’s no, probably, no silver bullet, and I think it’s one that will probably be 1 February 1 to continuously, you know, wrap their head around, finding the right tools to really fine tune that detail.


But I think for us, as a business is interacting and getting that feedback from our I’ll Stop and store. And, you know, not just old style but also our 16th hearing the Oscars didn’t, know, really seeing how the digital tools that they’ve got to their fingertips, whether that’s social, predominantly the website. And, you know, how that’s being used in the customer’s experience, that store as they’re making decisions.


As a shopping at, you know, working through that, and I guess, from an E commerce perspective, always re-assuring that, know, your website is that front and center, easy, accessible for that.


The goldstone closing the store.


And that’s what your customers are looking at, You know, both, you know, at any hour of the day and, you know, the importance of ensuring that your CX on your website. You can really service that tool, both online and in-store.


Yeah, absolutely, and I think it’s going to continue to be that challenge and something that you can lean in and come together over to serve as well.


Matt, from your side, what trends are you seeing so far?


Similar to Discern Sarah, Actually, and I think in this current consumer environment, what we’re seeing is, customers are being more cautious. So, we don’t see that traffic is an issue, but we do see them taking their time.


So, much more time on site, I think, similar to what Sarah was saying, was saying wishlist Usage up from where it has been. So, it’s always been pretty strong, but we’re seeing lots of ads to wishlist.


So, there’s the browsing behavior hasn’t changed, but conversion is where the challenge is at the moment.


Fashion point of view, we’re seeing and move more to sort of neutral tones, which we think is a trend to enable more ways in future. So you’re not sort of caught by a trend. So that’s kind of interesting. Interestingly enough, for us, will assessing the party and special occasion is just continues to be strong.


So, and something we saw over summer, we thought it would slow down. But that’s.


To go strong. So, really, it’s all about trying to understand what she wants and sort of be there at the moment that she’s ready to buy.


Absolutely. And I’m definitely helping with all of the dresses that I do, dumb phone store and navigate to very easily. And I look forward to exploring that a little bit more on that seamless experience. But before we jump into that, what about predictions? What are we going to say?


H for the last few years, we’ve started the year and said Route for another uncertain. She felt like it may have settled down a little bit, and then it soon didn’t. So what do we, what are we expecting to save for the rest of its planning 23? They’ve got a crystal ball. Why don’t you stop?


It? Will continue to be the challenge, so I think that’s going to be linked to the consumer confidence.


So, I believe the bank is meeting today, so we’ll see what happens.


So, you know, that continues to be a challenge, I think.


Loyalty, personalization, yeah.




Now, to connection to the customer. The other one that we think about where are very much some address business, that’s where we sort of make the most sales.


So, I think it’ll be interesting with the change in weather patterns, so we’re playing in La Nina for about three years, lots of wet summers in Australia, so that’s now changing, so if it’s if it’s dry, then, how sales. So it could be someone despite the economic times.


Yeah. Absolutely. And seasonality, and being able to respond to those different pages is really kicking. And I will talk a little bit more about that when we get into merchnadising.


You mentioned loyalty there, and definitely, the things that we’re hearing right now is, yes, the initial conversion is really important, but then switching into that lifetime value of a shopper, particularly as we go into these peak sales times as well. Alyssa, thoughts on loyalty and also. what trends we’re looking for the rest of the year?


Yeah, well, I’d say there’s no doubt that we have quite a loyal customer following and Adrian, the founders of age and have built such incredible demand for the brand. And with that does come loyalty. And we very much saying that’s kind of the epitome of actually a lot of what we do. And that I would say, Matt, you’ve kind of touched on it, but the personalization in the loyalty. I feel like they’re just going hand in hand, and that those customers are loyal because they see that kind of extra step, that a business it’s taken to speak to them and cater to their needs. So that’s, that’s a really big one for us.


And I, I really, again, that you touch on that consumer confidence, I feel that’s where, where customers are really going to be leaning a further into with that kind of smaller share of wallet, predictions, I guess.


I wish, I wish I knew, really. But I think customers are going to need to be careful with their purchasing habits on being a lot more careful. I’m buying a lot more timeless pieces than I ever have, however quickly. With inflation easing. We will see a shift in this customer shopping behavior hopefully, it will be for the better. And I know I’m keen to get my spending habits back to how they were but, I guess let’s just wait and see, but loyalty and personalization is a really big one for us as a brand.


Yeah, absolutely. And we tell ourselves, we’re supporting our customers every time. She says, which. And I said Team Slack channel is far too often what we should, if we’re looking to reduce spending, but good for the brands. And, Sarah, what about from your side predictions for what’s in store for the rest of the year?




I think, to Matt’s point earlier, and Melissa touched on that as well, those, um, those purchases on those staple coal pieces and fukuoka our basics range. Practically the bread and butter of the business. It’s what our customers know us for, and you will have the, the one tank top with one teacher that comes in 10 colors.


So, this doesn’t mean, it’s that, year after year fabric, the few fabrics that were quite notorious for. So, you know, coming along with recent sale activities promotions or just during these non peak periods in general and just seeing the real uplift.


In those basics purchases, I guess, and as well as across some of the core lines in the business. Obviously amplifies. Yeah. That consumer, being, more conscious, The customer, being more conscious, and looking for those staples that they work, and they were, they were out for drinks tonight or something on the weekends.


And there’s this versatile piece is really, and probably spending consciously making a decision on whether they’re going to invest in that next investment, Peaceful, an occasion, all winter coming up.


We’ve got, You know, winter, not too far away here. Let’s see, it gets quite cold here in Melbourne for instance and you know, people coats coming in and, and all of the a lot. So I think that’d be an interesting one to watch, probably all across the question space.


This is yeah.


But from a prediction perspective, I think for the remainder of the, as Alyssa touched on earlier, customers more savvy. I don’t think it’s one to underestimate your customer. They becoming a lot more savvy that shopping around.


And you know, they’re expecting a little bit more from you, so I guess it’s really, what are those strategies for your business, and for your customer, that would really, really help your conversion right there.


Absolutely. And I’m seeing kids around those versatile paces, It’s very easy with cockeyed to keep coming back and buying time and time again. Once you know what sizes and styles work for you, let’s go onto the next topic.


Gonna now start to look at providing a seamless user experience. So with providing a seamless user experience on each of you, have spent a lot of time, really optimizing each of your sites. And I know, Matt, you’ve done a big, great platform to Shopify Plus, with which sprang? What are the most important factors in providing customers with a user experience that delights? So let’s start with you.


Yes, I wasn’t.


A lot of things all at once, which is always fun. I think, I think for us, it’s always about thinking about the customer. So it’s really that human centric thinking. So.


For us, it was as simple as our customers predominantly on mobile. So, we designed for mobile rather than the other way around which.


We actually met. I think we’re just moving something around, it was just impacting the microphone.


Sorry, me.


Yeah, that’s good against.


So yes, I was saying just designing for the customer. So we really did a lot of work upfront designing out, you know, removing things like friction points, making findability in terms of products. Really easy.


So that’s where we were able to partner with such spring in terms of our, you know, driving our navigation and search experience too, improve that findability. Personalization is obviously really key in terms of having recommendations that makes sense for the customer in the moment. The terrain in terms of where they are in the site. And then probably my final point would be around creating those moments as wow moments, so that could be simple for us, for those simple things is delivery speeds. So we don’t even promise of. Early promise to customers.


When numbers say their delivery, But we get everything out, you know, the next day. So we get a lot of great feedback from, you know, things like that, so but it’s just making it easy for customers.


Yeah, absolutely, and I can attest to the speed of delivery. I think, you know, one of the fastest ones for whom Asia receive my many packages that, Tom. I think on that findability piece as well, Like, having filters that really help this will pull down. and you clearly understand new shoppers, right, say things like his Asian and //. I clearly spend too much time on your site that I know all of your filters. And also in the recommendations. It’s a really great guide for anyone tuning in, to go and look through the different items on the … recommendations that really provides recommendations by looking at by someone else and converting. It ran on some different options that experienced this last, what your current qigong, Really great example.




Sorry, but that’s, I’m really That’s product recommendations to the product description pages and then we took your advice. And the second module and sort of doubled the sales of those modules as well, so.


Yeah, I did the other day that recently leads. And also, just the last one on that, also looking at having those personalized recommendations, carousels, no results page. Often, that’s very high exit page, Healthy Shoppers, to get back on discovery track. Sarah: Let’s go to you next providing a seamless user experience, please.


Um, I think, for us, one of the biggest things has been really leveraging all the data matrix, the reporting out of search spring at, all the different assets that are available in there. For us, I think we’re probably, I think we joined the search string family, probably over it. Monza garnaut feels like forever, but, you know, from our perspective, but it really has elevated our experience for the customer.


And just having the access to the information and the data that’s available to you has really been a game changer for us.


You know, I think it’s probably reports and things that we’ve never had access to in the past and having that really front and center. And really, a core, critical part about day-to-day ops now, is, you know, jumping into it as the research results, looking at, you know, what’s going on, across merchandising or, you know, building synonyms. Whatever it might be, better served to be quite powerful for us.


And, you know, huge learning curves for us within the business.


But, more importantly, how we’ve been able to use that to really, I guess, enhance the customer experience on Sign in, and be able to do some really cool things. You know, and, you know, I guess, the numbers aside, But, from a, probably a branding perspective to really leveraging our inline banners. And what we’ve been able to do with our campaign launches, and other messaging throughout the year that we wanted to, you know, put up across different collections, collection specific messaging, utilizing the mind that is, images, videos, and the like. So, that serve to be, you know, a real elevation to our user experience online.


Yeah, absolutely, and we’re definitely seeing video being used sign moments, as well. I love your almost gone A bestseller badges as well really good. Yeah.


That’s a, you know, something that system, normally when it gets, I think the business, but more importantly, we see the impact that it has on, on, on the customer journey and creating that sense of urgency for customers. Particularly when it comes to your peak periods.


Then, you know, we’re talking about basics earlier and stapled pieces that we’ve got, and, you know, that’s what’s been flying out the door for us, and creating that sense of urgency for your customers, or rarely, I guess.


Communicating that message, really, at the end of the day, it’s like, you know, here’s your chance, it’s always gone, you know, kind of speak now, or miss out type of thing, so that served me really well for us.


Yeah, and I also love the consistency that you have, between search and collections, as well, so I can search for black pants, but inside, or go to your collection unfilled chef pants. Black, and return, the exact same results, which is really nice, is a shopping experience, and really shows the effort that’s gone into just creating that frictionless shopping experience. Alissa, absolutely beautiful site that you’re managing. And, again, really easy to navigate fun, beautiful products. Imagery is obviously really key for the brand, as well. Talk about providing a user experience for your style of shopping.


Yeah, I think you just touch there. We are very content heavy brands. Of course, comes with the price points.


We are our campaigns, is a lot of time and money and investment that goes into it. So, to have kind of such heavy content on our site, speed is so important, We’ve all become, really expect to expect, and other fast and seamless online experience, I’d say.


They’d say it’s kind of, that’s the one thing that I could probably the biggest thing, actually, that would make someone jump from it, will bounce from a site. We know that customers, like I said before, as spending more time searching on side. So what we’re doing, we’re providing relevant search results on our site. And merchandising actually to cater for the S So the search campaign functionality is probably my favorite.


And, Sarah, you touched on it, but the data that search screen actually can provide, that can jump in and see what customers are searching for, what they’re getting zero results for, and actually creating campaigns and curating that on site that’s really big for us. The curation, I would say, I’m prior to implementing Search Spring last year. We we really knew that our UX for search on site needed improving. I had multiple they were reaching out to me saying, Oh, I really having trouble locating items on your site. And we knew that.


We knew it was an issue so course we prioritize the implementation but very much and reaping the benefits. Now, we can assist our customers even further. So, we’re providing those appropriate recommendations and we’re actually assisting them to locate their desired desired product a lot faster than them having to kind of trolled through pages and pages just to find what they’re looking for.


Yeah, wow, that’s some really good insight. So, let’s go onto the next topic, which this ties really nicely into. So, we’re getting ready for peak shopping seasons and in fashion apparel, peak seasons, maybe new seasonal collection launches. Also, dare I say away Lads who mentioned that in May coming up to starting to get our heads around thinking for Black Friday, Cyber Monday, whether it’s that day that week, or potentially even the whole month of November now, what have you learned from previous hate shopping season? So let’s start with you, Alyssa.


Yeah. So, I would say in regards to the promotional peak periods, what we very much a learning and have learnt is that the lead up to the promotion itself is just as important as the promotion. So, customers, they’re savvy, They’re very aware of upcoming activity, and as a result, they actually might hold off a lot of their purchasing. Until that promotion. And so, what we’re doing at age, we continue to build our strong demand in the lead up, so, and we’re very selective of what we eventually do, put our index counting, I guess.


Our main focus in that laid out is continuing to drive our brand awareness and customer customer loyalty during this time.


I don’t want to call it, kind of FOMO, but, very much kind of driving, driving that, that, some of the styles, they are there, sell it, they will sell out and not necessarily wait until the promotion, but to secure them while you can.


Absolutely, I learned that the hard way when so my wishlist did sell out during, let’s say, Now, definitely take action as soon as, I say, something, I love potentially too many things. I love, as, Sarah, from your size.


Groups from outside, probably taking a different angle from here, guys, really, know, like, the lists leading up to that peak periods.


You know, really, using that time, Yes, it might be a little bit more quiet, but, um, you know, really, spending that time to optimize the site. I just spend, you know, that invested time and, you know, ensuring that you are ready for the peak.


I think it’s so important, and, you know, with, with the powers of search string, you know, you’ve really got a lot at your fingertips to really utilize, you know, whether it’s paper, non peak period. Just to really delve into what’s happening on your site this week, or what the search behaviors, like this, we can really capitalize on that. So when it comes to your peak period, you know, you’re a little bit ahead of your customers and you know, really optimizing at optimizing that experience that for the AMP. As opposed to, I guess, sometimes you get into taking a, like, Oh, wow, like, this trend is, you know, these search terms trending, or this is going on on the site. Whereas, I mean, I, I feel like you get hints of, that leading up. You know, something’s sort of gone viral on Instagram, or tick tock, or whatever it might be, you’re getting they search queries and really using that to help you get ahead of the game A little bit in regards to those peak periods.


And then you know really being able to showcase the products that you know your or collections that that you want, you know in line with some of those emerging trends or things. And you know you’ve got one step ahead, I guess, when it comes to that pay periods.


Yeah. That’s really great. Just leaning in and leaning in early. If you’re going to be spending a lot of investment in both time and money and driving that extended traffic to site, really getting focused on what is it, what is the traffic going to convert on, and what about from your side, who’ve gone to a few peak shopping season.


I think there’s kind of two things that come to mind of your K one is preparation. So we’d like to build out our plan well in advance so that we can sort of pressure test.


And really that just enables us to have during the during this hour, to respond to sales, whether the poll and last-minute opportunities.


So, the more we can run through our plan, and then, it just creates that extra capacity.


And then, similar to what I listen to science really, about the activity if you’re doing up in the lead up to sail to, to create more demand. And then, during this hour, but those conversations that they’re having to keep that interests, because it is sort of over, Black Friday has now extended over a week, week, and a half.


Some businesses are thinking in retail, Some of them are doing it for a month now conversation. You’re having to keep that interest.


Then we’ll also think about the restart. So, once black Friday’s over, that peak shopping event is over, How are you gonna spike your interest?


So that’s just as important as the actual, you know, Black Friday itself, and then my other really key learning is don’t overlook site merchandising.


So it’s you might rely on the algorithms no, during the year, but to the peak trading seasons. And, you know, especially you just need to trade the site more, because the demand could be going faster than the algorithms and your sign updates.


Absolutely. And really, really good tips, I like the yam plan, plan early, but don’t be so fixed on the planning, can still pivot as things go as you go through those peak as sales times. So.


how else can merchants use this knowledge And advance just getting prepared for busy shopping sees buttons. Any, any further tips? I might add, one in to get started, Which goes back to that loyalty, customer lifetime value, making sure that, using these times to get up tens, whether that’s e-mail, opt ins, SMS, opt ins, so that you can scale up your marketing to those shoppers, have purchased or urban site and signed up to those. Rewards and loyalty programs, I think I’m safe, fully, do a really good job of using inline bana’s throughout the years to promote sign-ups to their VIP rewards loyalty programs and building out those databases ahead of time. Any other last bits of knowledge to prepare for the upcoming shopping seasons?


Think Sarah made a good point around optimizing the site ahead of the events as well. So that’s really key, especially Research Spring, if you go through your merchandising rules and make sure it’s all cleaned up and working really well.




Anything for meals at, Alyssa?


Yeah, so just, I mean, that touched on it. But you can never be over prepared at Ajman, constantly referring back to our previous previous activity and asking ourselves what didn’t work, what can we actually do better? So we’re always challenging ourselves taking what we’ve done previously and leveling it up. That’s a big thing for us. I think it was a joke in the office. Last week, we were like, oh, this is my 10th, Both online shopping night. But just because, for me, it’s almost value at this point, because we’ve done it so many times.


If there’s an easy way to just pull back and do exactly what we did last time, isn’t what’s working anymore?


We’ve touched on that customer.


Shopping behavior is so different than we’ve ever seen, so we can’t rely on what we’ve done previously, but we can use it to level it up and make each activity better than the next. I would say during this time, it’s really important to say, authentic to your brand, so, it can be easy to do. Something similar as to another brand, I would say. Customers can kind of say right through it, like, stay authentic, drive awareness around that authenticity, and it’ll only assist with that customer loyalty And it will build that customer trust, and that’s ultimately what you want from your customer.


Yeah, that’s really great.


Agree with Alyssa that had the same thought about, I have the same count on. I don’t know how many books I’ve done lately, but, um, you know, we said a similar thing here in the office just when you think, you know, you don’t, given the change in the, you know, the economy here in Australia, particularly in our data, be quite similar in other parts of the world.


But, um, you know, guy, as well, I, I feel, like, every promotional period, even when it was last year or after payday. Or what have you, all of, These promotions just when you think it might be somewhat similar to your previous one? It really isn’t, and I think that’s what’s keeping us busy, no doubt, and really keeping businesses on their toes.


And really having to try new things, change it up, and, yeah, really not underestimate what the customer is doing.


Hmm. Yeah. And I love the leaning into the learnings, but not just kind of doing exactly what you’ve done previously and keeping optimizing and keeping testing ride and having that data available in real time so you can keep making decisions to keep finding those incremental uplifts. Let’s go onto the next topic.


Great merchandising. So we all know retail merchandising has been a cool part of retailing for a really long time, and I’m loving, seeing, is how much of the focus. It’s now getting from an e-commerce side of things, as well. So let’s talk about being able to adapt merchandising based on seasonality and stock availability, as well as any other sort of merchandising tips, as we’re going to busy sales times. Let’s start with you, Sarah.


Yeah. We We we drop product weekly. We have new deliveries coming in every week. So merchandising for us is absolutely critical to the business online. Where a vertically integrated business, hawk-eye, with their own manufacturing facility. So every Monday, you can expect new drop into our stores and online. So for our team, there’s a huge focus on the importance of merchandising.


And we manage for Shopify instances from here in Australia, New Zealand, the US, and the UK.


So, you can imagine, you know, there’s obviously quite a bit of merchandising activity that goes on, you know, utilizing those merchandiser rules that we’ve got the stock availability, newness and as well for a brand like cocoa were quite heavy on the curation. Paste also with specific categories that we we like to particularly Q, Right?


You know, according to some, some internal sort of guidelines, and particular, I guess, reasons as to why we want to showcase particular products in a certain way.


So from, you know, the power research spring having the, the ability to replicate your, your merchandising across different Shopify instances has served to be very powerful for our strategy, and then New Zealand websites three, you know, similar customer. In that sense. But then you look at US customers or global side on the US and also UK website. You know that seasonality. Obviously, it’s completely different, depending on what part of the world you’re shopping from, Which means merchandising. It’s a little bit different there. As, well, and some of those, you know, Obviously, when we went to cart. Yeah, Go down a couple of months. That is, you know. Pretty much non-existent. In the European wardrobe with European Summit coming up. So having the metrics, having the data, they’re jumping into what’s going on in the UK. Or Out, or US.


website, and being able to look at what our customer is doing, how they’re, how they’re behaving there, and being able to merchandise according to that.


It is super, super powerful.


Yeah. Absolutely. And I’m sure, Matt, you’ve got some insights as it comes to merchandising.


Yeah, very similar to Sarah. We have peak season, we can have up to 115 year arrivals every week. So it’s really important that they get their time in the sun so to speak. We have an internal KPI around cell three, right? So we use a boost rule that allows those new arrivals to sit at the top of every page for so many days, somebody just those days depending on the level of new arrivals coming in. And the other one we sort of what research spring on is a boost rule around percentage of available sizes in stock. So when the available science to start selling out, we can sort of prioritize other products that have full size availability. And that just helps with conversion.


Any other to make sure you use the AB testing functionality within such thing as well?


Because that’s where you can really test some of those algorithms, and test your assumptions over what you think might work, what the business wants, versus over, what is actually driving conversion.


Absolutely. And there’s always some interesting things that come out of those AB tests. So, a lot of clients on just leaning into the data more on actually going on. what is truly converting.


Well, staying in line with the brand strategy, because there’s obviously the brand and the creative strategy coming in line with transactions, conversions as well. Also, great to see the just landed badge to empower on those new products, and those Restocked badges, as well as as traditional bestseller ones as well, great to identify when something is, is new, and potentially then trending as well.


And, Alyssa, from your side, yeah, data really is key, here. You’ve got it at your fingertips through the platform. And we, also, on top of that, are really lucky to, well, not lucky, but fortunate, I’d say, to have stores in Australia and New Zealand. We also do have many stockists around the world. However, we utilize a lot of the data that we’re obtaining from our customers in retail, but also what our customers are searching for on site.


That does, obviously, tell you a lot about what they’re looking for, what they’re wanting, or what not, what they’re not locating on your side. So we are my team, where in this data all day, every day, of constantly making tweaks where we need to, and I’d say this, they started, really does inform your merchandise and roles across all categories And across our sites, we’ve got an Australian website and New Zealand, and what we call our Rest of Wild site. But when we kind of lean into this data and make changes off the back of what we’re saying, we very much see instant results when we do that. You also touched on the percentage of sizes available in stock. We, we very much use this, as well, We are an Omnichannel Business. Owl and stock offering that does show on our sites does include our still struck, as we often incorrect and find in stores.


So we don’t necessarily have gaps, in that sense, however, very much having the ability to boost those pieces that either are kind of limited quantities or kind of sell out styles, where appropriate, really does work in our favor.


Yeah, that’s great. And then merchandising tips for different geographies.


And recently, we’ve actually taking that a step further and site based geolocation merchandising


Leah. So we are in Melvin Sarah, which is typically kula, then where I’m heading stay on the Gold Coast. What have you found around merchandising for different geographies or potentially them within a state as well?


Yeah, Well, I was excited to hear the new update of state space. Merchandising for Australia’s. No doubt, you know, I’m quite excited about it. And then I know the rest of the table, B to just, I guess. Both the elixir of mat can probably share, share similar sentiments. You know, I think we’ve touched on this. Met yesterday was, well you touch net with. You know Knitwear doesn’t move as quickly in Queensland, that’s for sure than it does. In Melbourne, Adelaide, Genomes, Hobart, Shamil, the southern states. So, you know, that’s, I think, probably the businesses like ours, where, you know, we have a little offering, particularly with winter coming up, you will, is the eastern slightly varying in the woman states. And, you know, it sounds like Hotcakes definitely here in Melbourne. When it’s four degrees on a Saturday night, you need that.


We’ll talk to go out in being able to yeah, leverage that.


I’m super excited for, you know, and being able to, you know, showcase different merchandising there. But I guess from what we’re doing currently with the US and UK regions is, yeah, it really, you know, flipping it, I guess, almost. With, with the collections that we’ve got, now, how do we sort of, I guess, to Rachel merchandise that collection to suit that European customer or customer based in Asia? Or whatever part of the world that might be in. And being able to have that different merchandising despite the customers that, you know, you go into that website.


And it’s almost, I guess, a flip side of what’s being mentioned, dies for Australian and New Zealand customers.


Absolutely, and also potentially different product types and those different market while I was just for math. And another thing, I think the edge consider, when we’re talking about different regions, is things like synonyms. All the different words, different spellings if people are using Stripe on the same items and not relying on the shop, had to use this exact naming convention that’s on that product feed as well. A list of formula side. What have you learned from the different geographies that Erin?


Yeah, I’d say my, my team very much. We rely on two key sources of information that assist with our merchandising on-site. So I feel like I’ve touched on these quite a lot, but it is really important to understand what our customers are searching for online and what they’re actually asking for in-store. So we very much can leverage kind of watts yet what what they’re what they’re asking for in-store and what they’re purchasing online and these insights. We can also use this business to utilize an assist now actual store allocation based on location.


So Russell line, if I don’t know, jacket start selling really, really well for us. We acquire agile and weak, if we can see kind of a particular region that’s kind of over performing, then our allocation team can kind of shift stock and move it where, where needed and it. And it’s really become such a vital tool and working very closely with them to kind of share these, these trends, that we are saying, that for us, Northern Him and Southern Han, we’re seeing a very, very different on site behavior and what their shopping. Also. touched on this. Earlier. Southern him, very much seeing the customer shopping into timelessness and classic and wardrobes staples and kind of that mutual color palette. However, for us AMRO, then heaven customer, she is in full blown party mode. I mean, I would be true if it was that hot where I was right now, that she’s loving, collages, and loving party.


She’s kind of yet all about the brand. Maybe it’s also a little bit of education. She’s just becoming familiar with us as a brand, but very, very different shopping habits and and watches that she’s singing into. So we’re really leaning into that, across our content, across our banners, and across our merchandising.




And I love just the understanding you have of your different shoppers and those behaviors really using that to drive and scale those results and those different markets. And Matt from your site.


Yeah. So we’re currently using a single site for global using the Shopify market’s capability.


So that’s where it’s spring.


Is really important for us. So we tend to use seasonal tags on the products, and then I’ve got rules set up for various regions around the world to show some of versus winter, for example, Stocks as the merchandise capabilities, kinda really, really, really important. We’re really excited about the strain state capability that actually got switched on for us yesterday.


So, see what they can do, so looking forward to doing some tests.


I think, as Sarah said, puppy where we notice that the most in Australia, because of the how large the countries is winter, we launched.


The only line of the see saw that take up in the southern states first, inside a sort of we’ve had a really late, late summer, really. So, we’re just saying that uptake now, but just the ability to to customize that noise is great. So, I’m very excited about that.


Yeah, that’s fair. And I just love how fast you move, you hear about something, and your team are always like diving straight into it and really find those incremental uplift, and it’s just that ongoing pace of leaning in to the tech and the tools. Let’s go onto the next topic.


Great, so going Global versus staying local. So, what have we learned in expanding into new markets? Let’s start with you, man.


So, it’s sort of better beginning of our journey. We do sell into a number of countries overseas. But we’re having a greater push this year.


The kind of what we’ve learned is, you know, look at your product market fit, and don’t necessarily assume that your demographics in Australia is going to be the same. Overseas can change. And we’re really taking, you know, in terms of the US market, we’re taking a state by state approach. Because each can be very different. So, that’s one thing, and I think one thing Australian brands can think about is, you know, focus on works. What works well, so I focus on your best sellers and use those to take forward market.


I think the other kind of big learning is just localized experience as much as possible. So, again, such spring, it helps with, in terms of use synonyms, you know? And then the location based merchandising that we’ve looked at then is another key one. So that can be done in messaging.


Alright, yeah, Really good, Good insights there. Sarah?


Yeah, I definitely agree with the the, you know, the, the behavior of customers in different parts of the world. I think you’re absolutely right, Matt, as an Australian brand, you know, never never underestimate or don’t make assumptions. I think, you know, I know we ship to I think that’s a 22 countries at the top of my moment, so You know, a specific category in a specific fabric for us is doing really might be doing really well in the US. You know, we see an uptake in Western State, so, you know, a particular style, or not necessarily stop as soon fabric, given the warmer months.


That might be, you know, that might be the climate that they’re in at the moment. And it’s always interesting to say, you know, I find it quite fascinating that it’s just really just opens. Opens up your eyes to, know, the different behaviors of purchasing, but across the world. And quite similarly, to your point on Synonyms, you know, that’s another fascinating elements of the different terminology, terms, languages that are used, and how you really leverage that. Alicia? You’ve touched on earlier some of your search campaigns. So over finding, you know, merchandising. They search.


Terms based on, you know, something that might be trending in a specific part of the world are on, that website is always fascinating. And I think, you know, every time you look at it, will flip the main learning. Constant learning experience is just a new way. I feel like, oh, I didn’t know that. That meant that and then you know you.


Sometimes you go down, like, a bit of a, You know, calling your Instagram, you’re like, oh, that means that in the you know, then you’re really ready to tick talking like, OK, Well, I’m going to search what this means. And and here we are watching like, you know, 10 tiktok rails later, or whatever it might be. So I think that having that is super powerful.


Given you, know, You might not be able to travel to some of these countries, but having that access to that data and seeing it.


So, no real time and having having that at your fingertips, you know, really use it.


And you’d be surprised at what, again, what you think is something really isn’t until it’s presented to you. And you see your customers searching or behaving in a certain way.


Yeah, I’d say using data, but also being very curious, right? And I like. Really lean in and figure out what what is going going to work and what needs to be potentially adapted now. Alyssa, when we’re talking about going, going global, have such a strong brand. What have you learned around maintaining that really strong brand as you’re entering into a new market?


Yeah. I think, for us, and this is, this is what our customers have very much told us. But I would say something, that all staff that work at age feel very passionate about, is that we are in Australian brand. We’re so proud of it.


We base so much about collections on the Australian landscape, and the flora and the fauna and that sports. I’d say a lot of customers in The Northern Him love so much that that Australian dream, and that we love to sell and and one thing We have found is that we do have quite a Significant amount of our social following based in the Northern Han. And so, when we continue to expand particularly in the US, a key priority is driving brand awareness and educating the customer on who we are and what we offer.


So, much like I said, that Australian drain, that coastal lifestyle, I’m kind of that everything that that’s, I’d say people who and who haven’t been to Australia. Kind of. That’s what I envision when when you mentioned Australia.


What we really have seen from our northern Han customers is they’re actually using search less on our website then what we’re seeing in Australia. So I think very much that education pace. So, what we were doing to kind of combat that is we are very much utilizing inline bana’s across our sites to tell the story of age and Ted talks that Australian dream, and, and to really educate them on what we’re known for and what we stand for as a business.


And, it’s, it’s, it’s a beautiful story.


Absolutely. It really is. And I think that some really good tips for those, looking at where is local to their brand that a dialing in and transferable to what are those different new markets for them. But sang really true to that brand story. Those core product types that have been performing well. And then, obviously, learning from the data as to what’s going to perform as well. So, that takes us to wrap up, so, firstly, we’ve got a bonus webinar, Attendee Officer as a QR Code on the slide right now on how, how broken e-commerce site search can cost you money with practical tips to fix that. To download that e-book as, we start to wrap up.


I’d love to hear one bit of parting advice for fashion brands, looking to scale and have a really successful 2023. Alyssa, we’ll go to you first.




I’d say I touched on this right at the start of our conversation, but we all are experiencing a change in our training environments, and with this, I just, I can’t site and off, but continue to be agile, and tap into the customer insights and roll with these changes. I think that’s what I love so much about e-commerce. It’s forever evolving, and you can forever, will continue to, to kind of take those loans that you’ve previously learned and really utilize them to your advantage. And that’s what’s so exciting.


I love that.


Sarah, from your side, I don’t little bit similar. I think it’s really just, yeah, my last tip is really important to never underestimate the power and importance of optimizing, just constantly optimize when everything’s available at your fingertips. When, you know, you’ve got a resource and a solution like Search Spring, You know your, really, this is a lot that you can do. And there’s so much for you to be able to leverage. And as it lists, and use that data. And really just drive that change, optimize, and really take those learnings as well. When, you know, gone through a pay, can come out of the about or even in that non peak period.


There’s just so much that’s constantly changing and being that, having that flexibility and adaptability to the constantly changing consumer behavior and the world.


Absolutely. And I think it becomes even more important as the costs to drive traffic is continuing to go up because conversions do become to become more of a struggle. really leaning in and optimizing I’m finding those incremental uplift in conversion and incremental uplifts and growing the average order value through smart personalization as well. And, Matt, your piece of advice.


I agree with everything can. Discern therapist said, so yeah. It’s sort of tough economic times, but I think if you know your Agile, and you know, you take this time to optimize to kind of go wrong. But probably my tidbits of advice would be just relentless focus on the customer. Because, you will never go wrong. If you always put the customer first.


And just remember the current market conditions to remain top of mind with the customers, because, when they’re ready to buy sell, you’ll be there for them.


Absolutely, I like to talk with a lot of our customers about, it’s an ideal time to be scaling up the marketing and communications on Siri, those e-mail campaigns, particularly personalizing those e-mail campaigns, a personalized product recommendations. What about the shoppers are purchased similar items, then going on to Pitch than the future, And SMS being a growing in K component in that as well? Team, I want to say a very big thank you. I always learn so much, and I could talk to each of you all day about those insights that you have. So much knowledge being shared. And I’m sure our audience will be able to take lot of that away and start thinking about how they can adapt to some of those tips. As it relates to, how do they continue to grow conversions or the average order value?


And let tech do more of that heavy lifting, when at e-commerce teams, over running very lean at the moment, stretch the limits, but tech is there to actually support, support and drive the business forward through these times. So thank you so much for joining us. Thank you to everyone tuning in. And if you want some more insights on how search train can play a part in scaling up your fashion and apparel brand. Do reach out to us.

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