Privacy Policy

Revision Date: October 15th, 2020

Updated to a new version on April 6th, 2023


Searchspring is a brand name of B7 Interactive, LLC.   Searchspring provides online application services for use by online retailers.  Searchspring’s offering includes tools the retailers use to provide search and recommendation features on their sites, improve their merchandising, and analyze their online interactions with their site visitors.  Our customers are business entities or other organizations. Searchspring’s main office is in Denver, Colorado and it offers its services to customers worldwide.

This Privacy Policy describes our policies for personal data that we collect and use for our own general business purposes.  It does not cover the personal data that our customers collect or manage using our services. Our customers control this data and we use this data only as permitted by our agreement with your customer.  You should review the privacy policy of our customer that controls your personal data to understand its privacy practices.

How to Contact Us

Email: or via mail: Searchspring – PO Box 371680, #81663, Denver, CO, 80237-5680.

Please contact us if you have any questions about the information in this Privacy Policy or our handling of your personal data, or would like to access, correct, delete, restrict our use, or take other action with regard to your personal data. We ask, however, that if we are in possession of your data solely as a service provider for our customer you first contact our customer with your request.

Changes to Privacy Policy

We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will manage your personal data in accordance with the Privacy Policy version that was published on the date that we collected the data about you. Prior versions of our Privacy Policy may be found here.


The types of data we collect and our purpose for collecting it depend on how you interact with us.  For example, we collect different data about one-time website visitors than authorized users of our application services.   We have used defined terms for the different types of relationships to help us explain our privacy practices:

  • customer means our retailer that establishes an account with Searchspring or our reseller for the use of our services;
  • account user means an individual who interacts with us as a representative of our customer; this includes service users, billing contacts, and technical support contacts;
  • “visitor” means an individual who visits our website, our social media pages, our offices, interacts with us at a trade show or other industry event, or communicates with us in some other way other than as an account user;

These words also have certain meanings in this Privacy Policy:

  • services means our online application services;
  • “site” or “website” refers to and any other website where this Privacy Policy is posted;
  • “we”“our” and “us” refer to Searchspring;
  • “you” and “your” refer to visitors and account users.

Data Collection Purposes

We collect personal data for our business purposes:

  • to operate our website;
  • to improve our website and service offerings;
  • to market our services;
  • to manage our relationship with our customers, including account administration;
  • to provide our online services to our customers;
  • to provide customer support; and
  • to manage our vendors.

We allow third party advertisers, such as Google AdWords, Facebook Ads and LinkedIn to collect personal data on our site for their use in selling targeted advertisement services, both to Searchspring name and others.  See Advertising Ecosystem below.

The Section below captioned, “How We Use Data” explains how we use different categories of data for each of these purposes.

Data Collection Methods

Automated data collection on our website and online services platform

When you visit our site or use our online services our servers capture data that may be used to identify you or your device, such as your IP address, device identifier, and information about your device such as the operating system, time zone setting, language setting, browser settings, and browser plug ins. Depending on your device settings, we may also capture location information our servers may also capture information about your visit to our site or services platform, such as the website you visited right before you visited our site, the time and duration of your visit on each page on the site, and your navigation path from page to page (i.e., what you click on). We use third-party service providers such as LuckyOrange and Hotjar to capture other information about your site visit, such as recordings of your scrolling activity on each page of our site.

We and our third-party analytics providers may place a cookie on your browser so that we may identify you as a return visitor if you visit our site more than once.  Please see How to Opt Out of Online Data Collection below for information on how to block cookies.

Data provided by advertisers

If you arrive at our site by clicking on a link that is part of an advertisement on another site (including an advertisement on a social media platform), the advertising service will identify the link, enabling us to associate you with the advertising parameters we provided to the advertising service.  For example, we may ask an advertising service to target our ad to individuals that the ad service has identified as having an interest in retail merchandising. If you arrive at our site by means of the link in that ad, we will be able to identify you as an individual who has an interest in retail merchandising. Advertising services are responsible for the collection, use and disclosure of the data they provide to us in accordance with their published privacy policies.  See the section below captioned Advertising Ecosystem and How to Opt Out of Online Data Collection.

Data on marketing lists that we purchase

We may purchase information from third party services such as Zoominfo and eTailInsights for outbound marketing purposes.

Data provided by you as part of your communications with us

We collect personal data that you submit to us as part of a communication with us as a visitor or account user, such as via chat on our site, email, submission of a web form, telephone, or in person (such as at a meeting, trade show or other event).  For example, you may communicate with us as a visitor to obtain more information about our services, or as an account user to request technical support.  The communication may include information that can be used to identify you such as your name, job title, job function, the organization you represent, email address, phone number as well as information about your interest in our company or our services.  We do not solicit information from you as part of these communications other than information that is useful to us in light of the purposes described above, but if you choose to volunteer more personal information than we ask for we will collect that as part of the communication.

Data provided by you or your organization to establish and maintain the Searchspring account

Our customers are required to name billing, administrative, technical and other types of service and account users who have authority to use our services and manage the customer’s account. We collect the name and business contact information of these account representatives, and will require each individual account representative to establish their own set of account credentials (user name and password).

If you use a personal payment card or other financial account to make payment arrangements, then we may collect information relevant to the processing of the payment transaction.

Marketing Partners and Resellers

We have relationships with other companies that help us market, sell and deliver our services.  They may collect personal data of the type described above using the methods described above and provide that data to us.  We will treat personal information we receive from our marketing partners and resellers the same as the personal information we collect directly.

Combinations of data collected using different methods

We use service providers such as Google Analytics, Pardot and Drift to help us associate the personal data we capture about you as part of visitor interactions with personal data we collect about you as an account user.

Social Media Features

We may place buttons on our website that allow you to publish information about your site visit to a social media platform.  For example, we may have a “like” or “tweet” or similar button that, when clicked on, will generate a social media posting by you on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or other platform that highlights or points back to the content on our site that you liked, tweeted, etc. If you use the social media features on our site, we will associate your visitor interactions. You should review the privacy policies of the social media providers as well since your visit to their platform by means of our social media button may allow them to collect information about your activity on our site.


This section describes more specifically how our use of the data relates to the purposes for which we collected the data.

Visitors:  We use data collected about visitors:

  • to operate our website – web servers, by their nature, must capture your IP address and information about your browser and device to display our site to you;
  • to develop our website and product offerings  – we use the information about visitor navigation on our site to help us understand what part of our website and products offerings is of interest to different kinds of visitors so that we can modify and improve our site content and other marketing materials to be more appealing to prospective customers;  we may also use the information about your site visits and other visitor interactions to help us measure interest in our services or various features of our services;
  • to show you personalized content when you visit our site – we use information about your prior visit to our site to customize your subsequent visits;  for example, we may make more visible to you information or offers about products or services that appear to be of interest to you based on your navigation of our site on a prior visit; if you arrive at our site via an advertisement we may use that fact to make inferences about your interests and target content to you on that basis;
  • to measure the success of our advertising efforts – we use visitor information to verify whether the ad services we purchase from third parties are actually resulting in visits to our site or other visitor interactions;
  • to register you for webinars, office visits, or other online or off-line events we may host – we may use your name, contact email, contact address, and phone number to register you as an attendee and communicate with you about the event; we might target special content to event registrants when they visit our website based on the type of event
  • to communicate with you as part of our marketing efforts – if you provide us with contact information we may use it to send you communications about our company, our products or services, or related topics that we think you may find of interest;

Account Users:  we use data collected about accounts users (alone or as combined with data collected as part of an account user’s visitor activity (such as pre-login activity on the Site):

  • to provide our online services – we use login credentials to authenticate individuals as authorized administrative users of our services; we use IP addresses to provide our services
  • we use contact information such as your email or physical address to send invoices and other account communications, authenticate individuals who request information or support on the customer’s behalf, and administer the customer’s account, such as processing billing information to complete customer purchases;
  • to help us develop our service offerings – we use information about your use of our services to measure interest in various features, to plan enhancements and new features, and to improve user experience;
  • to communicate with you as part of our marketing efforts – we use contact information and information about your use of our services to send you communications about our products or services, or related topics that we think you may find of interest; and
  • to market our services – if you provide a customer testimonial or other content for marketing purposes we will publish the content with your name or other identifying information that you authorize us to use;  if you agree that we may use you as a reference, we may provide your name and contact information to prospective customers for our services so that they may contact you to discuss your experience with our services.

Data Integrity

We process personal information only for the purposes for which it was collected and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We regularly review our data collection, storage, and processing practices to ensure that we only collect, store, and process the minimum personal information needed for the purpose collected. We take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information that we process is accurate, complete, and current, but we depend on our account users to update their personal data as necessary.

Requests to access, amend, delete or restrict the use of your personal data

Please send us a request at if you would like to know what personal data we have about you, or would like us to correct inaccurate data, delete your personal data, or restrict the use of your personal data. We commit to responding to your request promptly and honoring your reasonable requests. We will comply with all applicable legal requirements related to your requests, but please note that we are not required by law to delete or restrict the use of your data in a way that prevents us from complying with our legal obligations to our customer or that interferes with our reasonable record keeping as necessary to demonstrate compliance with our contracts and applicable law.

Additional Information for California Visitors, Account Users

In addition to our commitments stated above, if our collection of personal information about you for our own general business purposes is covered by the California Consumer Privacy Act you have certain rights under that law.

You may request disclosure of the following specific information:

  • the categories of personal information as well as the specific pieces of personal information that we have collected about you for our business purposes over the prior 12 months:
  • the categories of sources from which we have collected that personal information,
  • our purpose(s) for collecting that personal information,
  • the categories of third parties with whom we have shared the personal information, such as our service providers, and
  • whether we have sold the personal information to third parties or disclosed the information to third parties for a business purpose, and if so the categories of personal information and third parties.

In addition, you have the right to ask Searchspring to delete your personal information.  We will comply with your deletion request and require our service providers to do the same, unless we plan to retain the personal information on a legally permitted basis and we give you notice of this fact and the legal basis on which we rely.

You may make a request by calling our toll-free number 888-643-9043 or by sending an email or physical mail request to the addresses above.

Before responding to your request we may ask you to provide information needed to verify that you are the consumer (or have authorization from the consumer) whose personal information is covered by the request.

We may not discriminate against you because you make a request described in this Section by denying you our services or providing a different quality or price for our services, unless the different service or price is reasonably related to the value provided to you by your data.

If you are under 18 years of age, you are not authorized to use our website or our services and we don’t want your personal data.

Service Provider Data

We use the personal data that our customers collect and manage using our services only to provide our services to the customer and other related purposes that are permitted by our agreement with our customer.

Our customers are responsible for making appropriate cookie disclosures and enabling any required cookie opt-out process with respect to the data they collect on their sites using our services.

Some of our customers are subject to special data privacy laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation adopted by the European Union in May 2018 (the “GDPR”) and the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (the “CCPA”).  We make appropriate contractual commitments to our customers in support of their obligations under the GDPR, CCPA or other data privacy and protection laws applicable to them.

Please contact us at the address above if you have questions or concerns regarding our processing of the data described in this Section. We ask, however, that you first contact our customer if you have a request to access, block, erase or take other action with respect to data that we have solely as a data processor for our customer.


We have not sold or leased personal data, and will not sell or lease your personal data unless you give us your consent to do so.  The California Consumer Privacy Act includes a definition of “sale” that may include permitting third party advertisers to collect data about our Site visitor for use as part of their advertising services generally.  During the prior 12 months we have permitted Google Ads, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Adroll to collect data on our site by means of advertising cookies.  See the section below captioned Advertising Ecosystem for information on how you block these cookies.

We will not disclose your personal data to third parties except as follows:

Legal Reasons

When we believe release is appropriate to comply with the law, to enforce our terms of use and other rights, or to protect the rights and safety of others.

This may include exchanging information with government regulatory or law enforcement agencies, or with other companies and organizations for fraud protection and legal compliance.

Protecting Network and Information Security

As necessary to protect our information and systems from unauthorized actions that compromise their security or availability, such as disclosures as part of industry initiatives to identify and block malicious actors.

Sale of Business

As part of a sale of a sales of business assets where the purchaser needs the personal data to use the assets.

We may in the future sell all or part of our assets or be involved in a merger. We may provide the company that is seeking to acquire our business with access to personal data as part of their evaluation of our business, but will require them to maintain the personal data in confidence and use it only to evaluate our business. If we complete a transaction, it is customary to transfer personal data that is related to the purchased business assets to the purchaser.

Service Providers

We use the services of companies like the ones listed below to collect data on our behalf or to help us analyze, store, manage and otherwise process your personal data. Each of these companies commits in its contract with us to use the personal data only according to our contract with them or our other instructions as necessary to support our business. They are not authorized to use your personal data for any other purpose. They are not authorized to disclose your personal data to others except with our permission, and only if they require the others to comply with the same restrictions that apply to them.

  • Sendgrid – outgoing email
  • Zendesk – incoming email, support
  • DocuSign, PandaDoc – E-signing
  • Stripe,, – payment processing
  • Google – organization email and documents management provider
  • Google Analytics – analytics
  • Google Ads – advertising
  • LinkedIn – advertising
  • Facebook – advertising
  • Intercom, Drift – Customer Communication
  • Salesforce – customer relationship management
  • Pardot – automated marketing communications
  • LuckyOrange – website heatmaps and behavior tracking
  • Amazon AWS, Google GCP – Infrastructure provider, applications

Advertising Ecosystem

We use online advertising services that enable a practice referred to as “online behavioral advertising.” These services aggregate data about an individual’s behavior on many different sites and online services, and use that data to sell targeted advertising services. For example, we permit Google’s advertising services to collect data about your behavior on the Searchspring Site, as do many other website operators who use Google’s ad services. Google combines the data about an individual that it collects from different sources, and uses this aggregate data to sell advertising services that target the display of ads to web users who meet certain behavioral criteria. Google does not disclose this aggregate data to Searchspring, but we are able to infer that users who interact with our ad meet the advertising criteria we provided. Google collects this data using cookies, web server logs (its own and its advertising customers), clear gifs and other online data collection techniques. See Online Data Collection Techniques and How to Opt Out of Online Data Collection.

Online Data Collection Techniques

A cookie is a unique alphanumeric identifier that is placed by a web server on the browser used to view the content or use the service at the site. Cookies are used to analyse visitors’ use of the website. For example, a website operator can use the cookie to identify the number of unique visitors to the site, whether or not those visitors are repeat visitors, and information about the visitor’s activity on the site, device and device settings. A tracking pixel, also known as a web bug or web beacon, is a small graphic (usually 1 pixel x 1 pixel) invisible to the eye, that is embedded in web content or email. When content that has an embedded web beacon is viewed, the browser will request content from a web server, which in turn will set a cookie.

How To Opt Out Of Online Data Collection

You can manage browser cookies through your browser settings. The ‘Help’ feature on most browsers will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, how to disable cookies, and when cookies will expire. If you disable all cookies on your browser, neither we nor third parties will transfer cookies to your browser. If you do this, however, you may have to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit a site and some features and services may not work.

Our servers do not recognize or respond to any “do not track” setting you may have in your browser.

The third parties who we permit to collect data on our site have features that allow you to block their data collection via cookies. See their privacy policies and cookie policies:

Google Ads:

Communications Policy

If you do not wish to receive our email or other communications, please send your request to Please note that it may take up to ten days to remove your contact information from our marketing communications lists, so you may receive correspondence from us for a short time after you make your request.


Children are not permitted to use our site or services. We do not knowingly collect personal information from anyone under 16. If you are under 16, do not use or provide any information on our Sites unless you have involved your parent or guardian. If we discover that we have information about a child we will delete that information. If you are the parent or guardian of a child and you believe we have personal data about the child without your consent, please contact us at the address appearing at the top of this page and we will delete that information.


Searchspring protects personal data from unauthorized use, disclosure, corruption and destruction using appropriate technical and organizational measures.

Data Retention

We will retain your personal data only for as long as reasonably necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected, and to comply with our legal obligations, and will use secure means to destroy the data after that time. We may retain your personal data for a longer period in the event of a complaint or if we reasonably believe there is a prospect of litigation in respect to our relationship with you.

International Transfers

We will comply with laws applicable to the transfer of personal data across international borders.  We provide appropriate contractual commitments to our customers in the European Union that require protections around transfer of personal data to the United States.

United Kingdom Art 27 Data Protection Representative
VeraSafe has been appointed as Searchspring’s representative in the United Kingdom for data protection matters, pursuant to Article 27 of the United Kingdom General Data Protection Regulation as amended by Schedules 1 and 2 to the Data Protection, Privacy
and Electronic Communications (Amendments etc) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (SI 2019/419). If you are located within the United Kingdom, VeraSafe can be contacted only on matters relating to the processing of personal data. To make such an inquiry, please contact
VeraSafe using this contact form: or via telephone at: +44 20 4532 2003. Alternatively, VeraSafe can be contacted at: VeraSafe United Kingdom Ltd., 37 Albert Embankment, London, SE1 7TL, United Kingdom.

European Union Art 27 Data Protection Representative
VeraSafe has been appointed as Searchspring’s representative in the European Union for data protection matters, pursuant to Article 27 of the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union. If you are located within the European
Economic Area, VeraSafe can be contacted only on matters relating to the processing of personal data. To make such an inquiry, please contact VeraSafe using this contact form: or via telephone at: +420 228 881 031 Alternatively, VeraSafe can be contacted at: VeraSafe Ireland Ltd., Unit 3D North Point House, North Point Business Park, New Mallow Road, Cork, T23AT2P Ireland.

Updated to a new version on October 15th, 2020 (above)


This privacy statement describes how Searchspring collects and uses the personal information you provide on our Web site, It also describes the choices available to you regarding our use of your personal information and how you can access and update this information.

Collections and Use

We collect the following personal information from you:

Contact Information, such as name, email address, mailing address, phone number;

    • Contact Information, such as name, email address, mailing address, phone number;
    • Billing Information, such as credit card number and billing address;
    • Financial Information, such as bank or brokerage account numbers, types of investments;
    • Unique Identifiers, such as user name, account number, and password;
    • Preferences Information you provide, such as product or content interests, or communication or marketing preferences; and
    • Usage activity about how you interact with us, such as purchase history, what content you viewed, and which areas of our site you visited.
  • Information about your business, such as company name, company size, and business type; and

As is true of most Web sites, we automatically gather information about your computer, such as your IP address, browser type, referring/exit pages, and operating system.

We use this information to:

    • Fulfill your service order
    • Send you an order confirmation
    • Assess your needs to determine suitable products or services
    • Send you requested product or service information
    • Send product updates
    • Respond to customer service requests
    • Administer your account
    • Send you a newsletter
    • Send you marketing communications
    • Improve our website and marketing efforts
    • Conduct research and analysis
    • Respond to your questions and concerns
  • Display content based upon your interests


You may choose to stop receiving our newsletter or marketing emails by following the unsubscribe instructions included in these emails, or you can contact us at

Disclosure to Third Parties

We will occassionaly share your information with third parties only in the ways that are described in this privacy statement.

We may provide your personal information to companies that provide services to help us with our business activities, such as offering customer service. These companies are authorized to use your personal information only as necessary to provide these services to us. Searchspring uses third party vendors and hosting partners to provide the necessary hardware, software, networking, storage, and related technology required to run Searchspring.

We may disclose your personal information

    • As required by law, such as to comply with a subpoena, or similar legal process;
    • When we believe, in good faith, that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud, or respond to a government request;
    • if Searchspring is involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a portion of its assets, you will be notified via email and/or a prominent notice on our Web site, of any change in ownership or uses of your personal information, as well as any choices you may have regarding your personal information;
  • To any other third party, with your prior consent to do so.

Tracking Technologies

We, or a third party contracted by us, may use technologies such as cookies, Web beacons, or scripts to gather information about how you and others interact with our website. For example, we will know how many users access specific areas or features within our site and which links or ads they clicked on. We use this aggregated information to understand and optimize how our site is used, improve our marketing efforts, and provide content and features that are of interest to you. Please note that we do not respond to Do Not Track signals.


The security of your personal information is important to us. We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the personal information submitted to us, both during transmission and once we receive it. No method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. Therefore, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

If you have any questions about security on our Web site, you can contact us at

We provide two means for you to make a purchase on our site. You can either use our order form or a third party checkout option. If you use our order form, the transmission of sensitive information collected on our order form is encrypted using secure socket layer technology (SSL). If you choose to use a third party checkout option for your order, its privacy statement and security practices will apply to your information. We encourage you to read that privacy statement before providing your information.

We will retain your information for as long as your account is active, or as needed to provide you services. If you wish to cancel your account, or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services, contact us at We will retain and use your information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.

Other Information

Our Web site includes third party hosted widgets, which are interactive mini-programs that run on our site to provide single-purpose services (e.g. sharing of articles, videos, etc.). Personal information, like your email address, may be collected and cookies may be set so the widget can work properly. The information through the widget is subject to the widget provider’s privacy policy.

Correcting and Updating Your Personal Information

To review and update your personal information to ensure it is accurate, contact us at

Notification of Privacy Statement Changes

We may update this privacy statement to reflect changes to our information practices at any time.


If you have questions or complaints regarding our privacy policy or practices, please email or write to us at:

B7 Interactive, LLC dba Searchspring
3461 Ringsby Ct #440

Denver, CO 80216
United States
Phone: 888-643-9043