How to Create Personalized Shopping Experiences with Searchspring’s New Tools

So many of our day-to-day experiences are now personalized to our individual preferences. From the shows we watch on Netflix, to the music we listen to on Spotify. Ecommerce is no different. Personalized shopping experiences are a top priority for online retailers, and with good reason – 91% of consumers say they are more likely to shop with brands that provide offers and recommendations that are relevant to them.

That’s why we’re ramping up our investment in personalization tools: to equip online retailers with the superpowers they need to deliver the shopping experiences customers expect. In Q1 of 2021, we released new features including A/B testing, inline banners, geographic merchandising, and personalized product recommendations. 

In case you missed it, our Global Product Marketing Manager, Brandon Klein recently hosted a webinar to give retailers a closer look at how these new features work and what they mean for your store. Read on for the webinar highlights, or watch the full recording to learn more!

Introducing your new superpowers for creating personalized shopping experiences

A/B Testing

Have you ever wondered to yourself, “is this new strategy working?”

Searchspring’s new A/B testing empowers you to optimize merchandising strategies that is based on shopper behavior. It also allows you to make informed decisions about future tactics.

In the webinar, Brandon dives into the possibilities of A/B testing in more detail. He covers everything from what you can test, to where you can test it. 

Inline Banners

This new feature allows you to strategically place targeted banners within the product grid of search results and category pages. 

Why do you need it? Well, we’ve all been that shopper who lands on a page and instantly scrolls to the products without registering the banner at the top.

With inline banners, you can grab shoppers’ attention. You do this by displaying relevant offers or content on the part of the page they’re most interested in. 

Geographic Merchandising

Deliver personalized shopping experiences based on the shopper’s country or state. Ensure they see products that reflect their local climate and regional preferences. 

Whether you want to boost winter products in one hemisphere and summer products in another, or you’re selling Yankees merchandise in New York and Red Sox goods in Boston, geographic merchandising can be used to personalize results based on location. 

Pro tip: this tool is also invaluable if you need to display different messaging for different regions. 

Personalized Recommendations

From trending products and cross-sell opportunities, to personal and session recommendations, there are a variety of ways to deliver hyper-relevant suggestions to shoppers as they browse. 

Whether you want to show best sellers to new visitors, recommend follow-up purchases to returning shoppers, or present similar and complementary items on PDPs, Searchspring’s personalized recommendations offer you flexibility and control. 

Make sure to watch the full webinar to find out how to make recommendations work for you – Brandon walks through a number of use cases and examples, as well as the rules that allow you to determine which products are recommended in a given moment.

create personalized shopping experiences

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