Flexible Payment Options Merchandising

The payment options methods you accept have a growing influence on shoppers’ purchasing decisions – whether it’s an impulse buy via digital wallet, or a considered investment made easier with installments. 

Convenience is key to a high-converting shopping experience, so why wait until checkout to mention your flexible payment options? Treat your ease-of-purchase like any other selling point and incorporate it into your site-wide merchandising. 

Merchandising can be used to communicate your accepted payment methods, incentivize the use of your preferred solutions, and propel the shopper toward an effortless checkout experience. Let’s take a look at payment merchandising tactics for every stage of the buyer journey.


Payment Options Are in High Demand

Gone are the days when a manual credit card form was the only way to make an online purchase. Today’s shoppers expect variety and flexibility when they reach checkout.

  • Almost half of all worldwide ecommerce payments (49%) were made with digital wallets in 2021.
  • Credit cards remain the dominant online payment method in the U.S., accounting for 47% of transactions.
  • 60% of consumers have used Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL), 45% of which use the service at least once a month.
  • Lesser used methods for online payments in North America include bank transfers (8%), prepay (2%), and cash on delivery (2%).

Every shopper has different expectations and preferences when it comes to online payments. So, how do you get the right payment messaging in front of the right shoppers?

5 Places to Promote Payment Options 

1. Homepage Banners

When a new visitor lands on your homepage, ensure they can quickly spot your payment options as they scroll. Feature preferred payment providers or BNPL offers in your homepage banners if they are likely to resonate with your target audience. Likewise, if you have recently added a popular new payment option, share the news in your notification or announcement bar. Lastly, include accepted payment logos in the footer of the homepage and throughout the site. 

2. Promotional Badges

If one of your payment providers offers more favorable terms than others, use merchandising badges on category pages to promote their offer or highlight the products that qualify. On product pages, draw attention to flexible payment plans with a badge placed beside the add to cart button, e.g. “Pay in 5 easy installments of $50!”. Most payment providers offer an integration that populates these merchandising badges dynamically. 

3. Inline Banners

Inline banners are the perfect place to showcase flexible payment methods. Located within the product grid on category pages, this type of merchandising reminds shoppers that checkout is hassle-free should they spot a product they like. This tactic is especially effective in higher priced product categories to emphasize installment plans and alleviate any concerns about affordability. 

4. Checkout

Once the shopper reaches checkout, it’s time to push your payment options in more detail. Lay out the available methods clearly, without cluttering the page or creating confusion. Abandoned carts are a risk at this stage, so keep your checkout process as straightforward as possible, whichever payment option is used. For shoppers who seek out further information on your payment methods, offer pop up or collapsible boxes with the essential details.

5. FAQs

In addition to pop up details at checkout, share all of your payment terms and conditions on a dedicated landing page and/or within your FAQ. Link to this content from your merchandising banners and any other on-site messaging related to payments so customers can find all the information they need to complete a purchase with confidence. If applicable, give shoppers the ability to transparently compare payment plans, and don’t forget to include your data protection policy for customers’ financial details. 


Flexible Payment Methods Belong in Your Merchandising

The moment a shopper clicks “pay now” can be loaded with hesitation. With a proliferation of payment options now available to consumers, it’s important to communicate the methods you accept and the convenience you offer. As you map out your merchandising strategy, include payment banners and badges throughout the buyer journey to drive effortless conversions. 


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