Cyber 5 Weekend By the Numbers 2022

Cyber 5 Weekend 2022 was a record-breaking year for sales. Searchspring evaluated our client’s search data from the biggest shopping weekend of the year to find out what shoppers are searching for, identify trends, and find out what changed year-over-year from 2021.

Black Friday / Cyber Monday weekend can drive up to a third of our monthly traffic in just five days. So what did we find during this huge surge in searches? In 2021, it was obvious that people were ready to change out of sweatpants and put on their (literal) fancy pants after two years of COVID lockdowns. However, Black Friday 2022 saw a shift to more casual, comfortable clothing searches. That being said, clothing items were still the top searched items followed by home goods.

The big winners in 2022 were socks, long-sleeve shirts, and leggings. Searches for socks were up 40% from last year and leggings were up 43%. On the other hand, big searches for less-casual items like “dresses” back in 2021 didn’t even show up at the top of our list for 2022.

As a surprise to no one, most shoppers (75%) use their phones to shop. Behind mobile was desktop (23%), and a small sliver of traffic goes to tablets (2%).

It seems that a lot of shoppers are looking to redecorate their living rooms this year. The biggest home goods/home decor searches include recliners, sofas, sectionals, chairs, and blankets. People must have been happy with their furniture in 2021 because this is a huge shift from last year when big furniture items, with the exception of “bed” (number 5) and “chair” (number 7), didn’t even crack the top ten – much less round out our top five.

Searchspring’s Black Friday / Cyber Monday weekend entertainment searches also shouldn’t come as much of a surprise. Searches for big names such as Disney, Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Demon Slayer continue to be big crowd-pleasers. Our data tells us that shoppers are ready to party, with searches for “balloons” blowing up and taking our top spot.

French-language searches may seem like a surprise to some, but once we factor in that the Canadian providence, Quebec, tops all other Canadian providences in searches and even beats out most U.S. states, it makes perfect sense. Some search inquiries we saw trending le française are: bottes, tuque, casquette, pantalon femme, and mitaines.

2022 continued the tradition of Black Friday being the biggest day of the weekend (therefore, of the year). While the entire weekend experienced record-breaking sales and searches, the most were done on Black Friday, followed by Cyber Monday, Small Business Saturday, Sunday, and finally Thanksgiving Day.

To learn more about Black Friday / Cyber Monday 2022 trends, check out the infographic below and let us know if you have any questions or insights. We’d love to hear more about your Cyber 5 Weekend experiences.


Black Friday Cyber Monday Infographic 2022

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