From the Lab: New Superpowers Inbound!

We’ve been cooking up a lot of new tools for you to add to your utility belt. From new ways to segment your merchandising strategies, to breaking speed barriers and deeper data support. Hey, we weren’t kidding when we said that we give you superpowers, and we don’t plan on stopping anytime soon!

Here’s what’s available to anyone — today! Reach out to your customer success representative if you are interested.

Laser focus on your shopper segments

Available now for advanced merchants, Segmented Merchandising gives you the power to merchandise while directly targeting any group of shoppers that you can identify in your eCommerce platform.

Know your shoppers’ gender? Boost the right products to them! Know what marketing channel they came through? Merchandise to them accordingly! The possibilities are endless.


In the laboratory

These superpowers are currently in Beta Testing with volunteer heroes to make sure they don’t explode while in use. Interested in becoming a test runner? Reach out!

Teleport to anywhere in the world

With the ease of just a few clicks, you’ll now be able to deploy diverse merchandising strategies to any country, US state, or Canadian province with Geographic Merchandising. We expect this will be available to everyone near the beginning of October, 2020.

Get granular on your product variants with the shrink ray

Give your product variants the respect they deserve with our native support for variant data. Shoppers filtering for products that are both “red” and “medium” products have a perfectly smooth experience, finding only the exact products they are looking for, down to the variant level.

More exciting features related to variant support are coming in the future such as dynamically changing product images, boosting on variant information, and detailed reporting.

Super speed search + X-Ray vision reporting

Your shopper experiences will become even more buttery smooth than ever thanks to faster search speeds that take advantage of highly unique caching technologies, unlike anything seen before with any other site search provider.

Not only that, this state-of-the-art new search includes our next-generation tracking systems, which will provide super-fast and incredibly powerful insights reports, enabling you to further propel your business forward.


See the future

Shh! Here’s a peek into what our top mad scientists in the alchemy lab are conjuring up to change the future:

  • New user permission groups in the management console
  • Copy campaigns on your site, or copy to another site you manage
  • Server cluster groups for unparalleled speed and stability
  • Native support for variants on Shopify sites
  • PowerReviews support


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