Your Ecommerce Blueprint to Boost Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

Dream, Plan, Action: Your Online Retail Guide to Retention, Segmentation, and Ecommerce Strategies that Increase CLV and Long-Term Returns.
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Consumer confidence is a major concern right now in online retail.

Amid inflation, interest rate rises, and recession fears, shoppers are more cautious about where (and with whom) they spend their money.

Q: How can you make your ecommerce store the first (and continual) choice for shoppers?
A: By delivering outstanding shopping experiences at every point of the customer lifecycle.

Gain the ecommerce strategies to boost conversion, enhance customer retention, and increase CLV (customer lifetime value).

Watch your on-demand webinar with actionable ideas and insights from our panel of online retail experts. They’ll cover:

💡The ecommerce strategies to manage segmentation, customer retention, and CLV.
💡How to know what shoppers want – and show the right products every time.
💡Creating personalised shopping experiences that create strong connections (and convert).
💡How you can lift your email opt-ins and re-convert shoppers throughout the buying journey.

… And much more!

Your panellists include:

(Moderator) Kate Massey – Head of APAC, Searchspring
Grayson White – Founder and Director, Cherry Collectables
Kehan Vale – ANZ Growth Director,
Fiona Batt – APAC Account Executive, Klaviyo

Unlock your on-demand webinar now.


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Good morning, everybody. We are going to get started now. We’ve still got that attendee number going up, but we’re going to jump straight into it. We’re going to be covering today and unpacking that blueprint for how we get to boost customer lifetime value in the current economic climate.


Firstly, let us jump into the challenge the brands are seeing right now, and thank you to everybody that completed that registration question. The question was, What is your number one challenge right now in attracting and retaining shoppers? So we had a Really varied response, right, and I think that’s a good indication that e-commerce managers today are faced with a whole range of challenges then navigating and working through on a daily basis. We looked at what those top responses were, though Physically it is marketing and advertising, so no surprises there we know that the costs to drive traffic continues to go up and It follows on to the next one around that competition piece as well.


We’re hyper competitive market right now, and so what we really want to be looking at says, wants to drive that traffic to side, how do we give that traffic the best chance of converting? And how do we get shoppers’ continuing to come back time and time again?


Pricing is a really interesting one, I’m looking forward to unpacking some ideas around pricing and and how do we make use of our best-selling products, which we can typically look to do at a high price point. But also, how do we really start to focus on growing the average order value? And then going into that next point of driving those repeat purchases or having customers come back time. And time again.


Conversions and grind conversions, and giving traffic the best chance of converting as a topic that’s very near and dear to my heart and a conversation we have with e-commerce manages on a very regular basis. And so, yeah, looking to unpack into that one a little bit. And if we read the news at the moment, there’s obviously a lot of doom and gloom out there. But we can say continuing to see brands continue to kind of dig in and thrive And some strategies and tips for how we can look at navigating through yet or is going to be another year of uncertainty.


But was still a lot of opportunity to take advantage of.


Now, if I go on to introduce our fantastic panel that we have here today, for those of you that I don’t know, I’m Kate Massey, Head of APAC for Searchspring, we’ve got some QR Codes on the screen right now. If you’d like to connect with myself or any of the panelists take picture of those QR Codes now go to our LinkedIn profiles. Really excited to have with us today Grayson White who is the Founder and Director of Cherry Collectibles and also a client of Searchspring and ReviewsIO and Jlaviyo. Grayson. welcome. I’d love you to introduce yourself. And also tell us a little bit more about the exciting journey. Terry Collectibles has been on.


Sure, Thank you Kate and and for everyone who’s tuned in. Hello.


I’m the Founder and Director of Cherry and I started my journey in 2008 when I lost my job in the GFC and I needed to scramble and pivot to try to work out what I was going to do now and stumbled across trading cards at a local market.


Which led me to look into who was doing those online, and when it was a pair, that not many were build a website, and the journey, which has had many different twists and turns, now brings us to being one of the largest.


There’s cooking brick, trading card resellers globally.


And something that last year we were considered the international trading costs of the year.


And something that we’re very proud of and a really exciting space to be in at the moment.


Absolutely. It is a world that is not in my wheelhouse, but really interesting to see what you’re doing and the results that you are driving and looking forward to unpacking that a little bit more shortly. Next up, we have, Kehan Vale, the ANZ growth director for reviews IO, I can tell us a little bit about yourself.


The … aims that growth throughout the region were Reviews dot IO. Payment the business of proven about six years, and had the chance to work in three different countries when the reviews that I am, sorry.


Yeah, thanks again for that, didn’t look at both kicking this off lovely and over to Fiona from Klaviyo, I’m sure. Every attendee dialing in knows Klaviyo, in some way, shape, or form. But, I’m Fiona, great to have you on the call with us as well.


How exciting this, or getting together? And my name is Fiona I work here at the Klaviyo Sydney Office. A little bit about me. I was an ex brand manager for years. So I’m pretty passionate about marketing and how we can use data to hopefully centralize.


That customer journey, but excited to get into it today.


Absolutely, and we are very excited to unpack all of your tips and tricks for growing lifetime customer value. Now, you’ll see another QR code on these next few slides coming up. These have got some webinar attendee offers this fun being an e-book on how you can fix broken search to make sure that you’re picking up all that low hanging fruit.


We do audits of websites every week, and there’s always opportunities for continuing to refine and making sure help shoppers get to the right product at the right time. So I was very fast boots on the ground, just over two years ago, at Searchspring. Over the last two years, we have been very busy working with lots of leading an emerging retailers, helping them to drive conversions, grow the average order value, But also working with lots of e-commerce teams that are running really Lean. Looking to lean into technology, to do a lot more of the heavy lifting. E-commerce managers are typically struggling to keep up with everything that they need to during the day.


And so having technology that they can trust to really optimize the site that is a cross for search rank: Search, merchandising, and personalization. And today we’ll be talking about those key components for growing conversions and growing that LTV of a customer, as well.


Then I can reviews IO. Tell us about it.


… has been running for 30 years now. We obviously have review solution with the onus of collecting, managing publishing review sentiment in the form of UGC, an image based video, third, zero quality data. So there’s a lot more than just a little bit of text and some some styles. We have offices in the UK unless the Berlin, Germany. We’re golf shoes in California over here to Sydney in the APAC region.


But, yeah, we really look to be a strategy lead review solution with the onus of leveraging that customer data for growth, conversions, and traffic.


Yeah, that’s great. It’s great to see all of the mutual brands that are growing on a weekly or monthly basis that are leveraging the tech stack to really look at how to build that confidence. And trust up through the reviews strategy and Clay vo almost doesn’t need any introduction apart from the fact that constantly innovating, constantly bringing out new, new products. New enhancements, Fiona, tell us a little bit more about what … has been up to.


Yeah, for sure, it’s been an exciting time for …, obviously, global expansion. We’ve recently launched our Sydney office, But at its crux, what clay vo is, is where a unified customer data platform. So, that really means, is that we give brands and businesses, the ability to centralize the data, derive insights from that. And then ultimately deliver the best experiences through your own channels.


So think of your e-mail, SMS, push notifications, but I’m when I’m speaking to merchants the way I actually explain Clay. We would generally be brand owners, like you in the audience today, can generally remember your first 10 customers quite well. It’s probably a very personal relationship you had with them. But sustaining that 1 to 1 feeling gets much harder as you evolve to one thousand, 520,000 customers. So when you think of what plague is really good at, we’re good at helping brands like yourself have conversations with people at that one to one level but now at scale.


Absolutely, and I really like that concept of how do you keep that personalized customer experience, but as you mentioned, it’s harder and harder to do, the biggie get. I’m looking forward to hearing more of those, those tips today. If anyone on the call that is based in Sydney that hasn’t had the opportunity to go into the Clay VR office yet, I highly recommend that. You’ve done a great job in putting that out. I know you’ve started to have some really good, high engagement, customer events, with lots of practical kind of tips and insights to take away from those, as well.


So, now, we’re going to get into the content, So, we’re gonna go through a few of the big challenges that we are seeing, hearing, and helping customers out to navigate in the current landscape. one of the first things is low conversions and average order value. And we know, if a brand doesn’t convert, or Shepherd doesn’t convert, in that first interaction, you have the potential to utilize that ongoing lifetime value of a shop. So, we really want to make sure that we’re driving conversions, and we want to do that by making sure that we have a search experience, regardless of how a shopper is searching on site, the finding the right products for them as quickly as possible, when they’re moving merchandising the right products, the top of the results. If something is low stock, although size curve availability. Olga, getting colder in Sydney.


So, boosting things like long slave items on slave dresses to the tops of the results.


Versus having those connections and also really accounting for that seasonality pace. Like, if you’re selling internationally, and what’s that merchandising, and I E testing those top search terms as top categories for those different locations to make sure the right products are taking up that top real estate. The real focus on improving those conversions, Just two weeks ago, we launched state based geo location merchandising for Australia.


I always had geolocation country buys for overseas and so really understanding the data and the shoppers, and what sells in Queensland are those the same products that are likely to convert in Melbourne and leaning into the data and really understanding that potential as well.


Then, we want to start looking at the average order value. So if shop was converting, how can we help them purchase, whether it’s those higher price when item, so your best sellers, your top right of products, that have high conversions on them, what is that pricing model? They can often be at a higher price point, on-site, but also integrating things like personalized product recommendation, so cross sell recommendations with a way to grow that average order value. Now I think this is a great segue to talk about some of the great work that Grayson, and the team at … have been done.


So guys, then 27% of your revenue last month came from Search, your width. So your Shoppers using Search can that at a massive 9.59%, Which is really good. Conversions is there’s been a lot of optimizations you’ve been doing on-site. So when we talk about things like, don’t rely on the shelf to choose your own naming convention on site. So having things like synonyms setup. So one of your shoppers can go on and search for NBA, basketball, and return the same results as as products. Now, with 156,000 products, a huge product inventory, and 96,000 products available on site navigation, helping shoppers find the best products for them as quickly as possible. I’m sure is very key. Why don’t you talk to us about that conversions and growing the average order value pace as it relates to …?


Yes, OK, That was very kind of you to say that we’ve done a good job, because the reality is that search spring, and your team have done a really good job of maximizing that with, we’ve not understood the space well enough.


It’s not something that we’ve been able to really personalized previously.


So, I’ll speak to a little bit, cherry’s, a little bit of a square peg, in a round hole.


We do have 150,000 skews, which means that, despite being a destination website, that always, has converted relatively well, the challenge has been for someone to actually find the item that they’ve come to that destination to get, to get amongst the high, that exist. So it’s a needle in a haystack stuff, there might be a thousand items with the almost the exact same title.


We also had the challenge where, one of our customer types, which might be a Pokemon caught collect up, certainly not interested in seeing to do with AFL trading cards like So, one of the things that we’ve really noticed with Search Screen is that we’re able to perform, um, customers are able to perform searches far, more like Amazon.


Then they would have our previous searches, which would minutes to load, which would be almost on Filter Ripple.


And eventually, leave that customer probably either leaving the site, disappointed or maybe purchasing one thing rather than 2 or 3, which what you are saying hits us in the average order values.


I’m sure a lot of the people watching probably use Shopify.


Many of them will do Shopify and the backend searches in Shopify.


For me, personally, I’ve always found to be quiet.


Difficult, to find the exact product that I’m looking for, so, quite often now, after switching to search for how you use the front end Search of my site, to find what I’m looking for, it’s there.


It’s yeah. It certainly is a case of the search functionality on my site. I previously used searches, such applications that hadn’t function like this.


And, of course, then, the boost features the ability to to boost certain brands at certain times of the year, like the beginning of a of an NBA season, that suddenly enabled our conversion rates to increase as well.


That’s really glad you said something really interesting about leaning into tech partners. And we’re definitely seeing that a lot more in the current climate with things like the cost of living, going up and inflation rates going up with consumer confidence. Being a little bit wobbly.


And the cost to drive traffic going up, then really leaning into the tech partners, say, how do I get more out of what I’m investing in and that tech stack, and looking at that integrated tech stack, How do we really make the most of that low hanging for? Where are the opportunities for boosting conversions? And one of the things I work with a lot of brands on is starting by doing that stops hike at the beginning. So, looking at how the site is performing, Understanding those areas for optimization, and not feeling like you need to go it alone. Right? Leaning into those partners that you’re already working with, all those best practices for that. Those optimization, tips, ideas, and looking at those incremental areas for improvement. Now, talk to me about new shoppers and this returning shoppers. What do you shop as they come to site once, and transaction? What are your strategies for getting them to keep coming back to side?


Well, uh, our sites always be very community driven, so returning customers is something that is extremely important to us.


two, to be honest, like, For a long time, we had, we have utilized, um, many other systems, like Clay Viau, that the competitors, because we found them to be.


Well, we looked at them on a, on a face value, we thought, that we could get away with, doing a cheaper.


We thought that we could cut some corners, and build some things ourselves internally, and we hadn’t been able to get anything like the results, the same, since we switched across the Clay video.


Which is something that, you know, I’m sure Fiona can speak to.


Yeah, that’s wonderful.


And the third piece of the puzzle, which we have started to touch on, is personalized product recommendations. So spoken about how to help shoppers on that product discovery track. I was having a look at your personalized product, recommendations, reporting, and seeing really good results. From looking at having things like adding your slide out.


cop, upsell, that’s deliver you the top kind of revenue at the moment, but also having what of other customers that have looked at this item gone on to look at? Followed by What about the purchase and what other customers gone on to view as well in that all performing really well so that cross sell pace as really helping with that average order value, as well as on This is a tip.


Everyone, looking in, if you have a blank zero results page right now. Putting those first slides, product recommendation carousels onto that No results page because that’s low hanging fruit and thousands of dollars worth last month of. Revenue came from having recommendations on the results page as well any, any comments around your product recommendations strategy?


You know, once again, I think it’s a case of many people watching, but have used numerous, different apps to throw different combinations together.


And the reality is that whilst the worked in the past, they’ve not worked anything like what they have. Women have had the full integration with such springs. So being able to whatever the logic it is that your team used in the back end, it’s far more personalized.


And we’re seeing it looks less clunky to the customer. Feels very organic, the way that it’s that it fits into the site.


We’ve had to do no coding whatsoever.


It’s manipulable from the back end. There’s so many different Asad aspects to it.


Are almost an Inheritable, but they deliver the results.


So, yeah, certainly.


Hands off the wheel steering. It’s almost like a Tesla, just, it just takes so long, and we’ve got to be extremely successful.


That’s a great to hear AI. Machine learning, that happens in the background, then asked me to go into data. scientists mode. That’s a, that’s a whole nother webinar topic, but yeah, having that where I want, it just works out of the box is. Fantastic. And being able to then add some precision filters and get really smart around the product recommendations as well. Now, can low conversions and average order value. This is how we talk about from time to time, and I were both really passionate about it. Anything to add there?


Yeah, definitely, I think, a big part of it, for is, obviously, consumer confidence, when they’re going online now, and continuing with that transaction, so, for me, is really about putting on confidence at every point to the buying journey. So, obviously, we have integrations with Psychosis Spring, putting those installs in just to get done competence of how many folks that have happened and how that’s being rated. And putting them into that sort of carousel already been. Utilizing tools like behavior, where we can dynamically embed. The late to school, five star reviews into an abandoned car. So I just wanted to go, once again, they’re going to behave consumer confidence.


So, yeah, I think credibility plays a huge volume first, and also beeping keeping the price where it needs to be. People are happy to pay them a little bit more. Confidence, competence, it definitely utilizing it in every part of that type sacro journey.


Amazing. And I look forward to you drilling into that a little bit more shortly as well. And Fiona, anything to add, only? Conversions and the pace?


Yeah. I think cane kind of rub it out quite well. They’re the only thing I would add, is that noting that every customer is at a different point in their life cycle journey and obviously, that means that are going to absorb, comes quite differently based on when they’re out to.


So as an example, if you were to integrate, say, reviews into clavier and maybe your brand received, say, a one star scathing customer feedback review, it’s probably not wise to send that same person, an e-mail about your product trough next week. So just really being clear on. like if we can gather up that data, we want to be resonating with the right people at the right time through that right channel.


Yeah. I like that, and I know you’re going to go into that a little bit more detail, but really understanding the customers and segmenting that, not every customer is the same as well. So, let me wrap up this challenge with us, Search Spring Top Tips. So making sure that we’re getting focused on increasing search relevancy with data driven results for every shop, her to boost the search experience. So what you’re searching for, we want those right products to be returning, when I have a really strong search algorithm happening in the background, to make sure that we’re getting those shoppers through to the right products, at they’ll ultimately converge on.


We know those shoppers can that at a higher percentage than those just browsing around on site, if they can find the right products for them quickly. Merchandising boost rules. So we want to be getting the right products to the right shoppers at the right time, products that are going to convert. But also in line with those business rules might be those higher margin products: bestsellers, seasonality, but not relying on the e-commerce teams needing to go in on a regular basis, and do all of this manually, really letting technology drive those rules.


We want to be understanding how shoppers are searching, or moving around on site, and making sure we’re not just relying on the product naming convention on-site, so addressing things like those synonyms. We work with a lot of fashion brands. And one of the first things that I will look at is, I search for T, …, with a dash, a Dosa, or return the same results, to some return no results. So do they return wildly inaccurate results?


So, really great opportunity for understanding how shoppers are searching and testing those on site, personalized product recommendations. Going to help shoppers look more of the product catalog making sure that they are personalized to where I’m currently at Insight, not just sharing best sellers across the whole site, looking at those complementary product suggestions as dimension with Chart collectibles. Those cross sell recommendations both at the PDP level, but also at the level of driving really good results and revenue.


Now, when we’re talking about lifetime value of a customer, I’ve seen some brands start to do this really well. And that’s using Inline Ben of functionality to encourage sign-ups those VIP rewards and loyalty programs. So, encouraging those e-mail up, tens and those SMS opt ins by using inline bana’s when someone is on-site.


If you want to say a brand, stirring it particularly well at the moment, see, fully. has got that. Feel free to reach out to me if you’d like me send you a link to that as well. But we have a loyalty program, if you’re building your database, using those inline banners to encourage those sign-ups and is really great. And then, personalized e-mail recommendations. So, we were so excited last year to launch our e-mail recommendations integration with Clay Vio. So being able to push those personalized product recommendations into those Claudio flies to drive conversions, also showing things like, if a shopper has purchased this, what other shoppers, liked them, gone on to purchase, using it as a way to get shoppers, converting again, and again. I’m focused on that lifetime value.


Now, we’re gonna jump across and talk about gaining consumer confidence, …, and relevance, particularly high, highly topical right now, particularly with the cost of living going up. The share of wallet becoming a bit tighter, and consumers making are taking longer to really look at where are they going to invest. their dollars and what they are going to be purchasing online can really interested to hear your thoughts and insights on consumer confidence.


Yeah, definitely, thank you again. So, confidence will start off as a keyword. I think, like I touched on before, it’s really about embedding that competence through every part of the journey, so when you’re attracting that first customer and how you’re attracting up first, because it to that, again, that lifetime revenue. So, thus, embedding reviews, and send them abroad from searching in Google, or Bing, or maybe now using user generated content, like a review of an image, a video, and push it onto your retargeting is our Facebook ads on Instagram at the so many channels, which people are seeing your brand.


Engaging with your brand and buying from now, so it’s really about taking that confidence into every stage of the buying journey has been focused on people are at different stages of the buying journey, and it’s about bringing in that consumer. Confidence is key At any stage of that.


I think another thing, once you kind of gain that confidence, and like I said before, people will be happier to part with our hard earned dollars if they are confident in that transaction, So you don’t necessarily have to do that price battle.


If they trust you that comes to the product, then they’re going to go through and convert. So that definitely helps retailer in that market.


Then, when would attract, then that customer with the confidence that are on site to another keyword is related to ability.


How the product, how does this surveys? How does that relate to me?


So we look a lot of third party data. So that might be asking different questions. IE, I don’t know if your skincare brand, you might be asking about skin condition. You know oily dry is an aging. Is it? no problem are you trying to solve it all?


Maybe next period’s level, if you go into by, supporting good exercise equipment and things like that. Who are you with the person? And then showcasing this on site to get that relate ability to someone else going through that same journey. I’m looking to lose weight time, this age bracket, I add this type of scale.


You know, not the products are being sold out there. And e-commerce at the moment are products of solving a problem for the consumer.


So if you can showcase that on site, it creates that relates ability.


The tumor is now relating to someone who’s given a five star review, and said how brilliant the product is, and they can relate to that person.


A very profile driven level know that they can mirror who they are to, that review, and then, just not relevant this piece. I think it works, obviously.


It’s very similar to the third element, as well, like getting the right thing for the right person, and obviously to token and working with companies such as labor. Like, that’s what it’s all about.


Thing to the right segment at the right time to the right person. So going back to that, the quality questions, of course.


A lot of it’s great to publish on site so that your consumers can kind of relate, so we want to keep that conversion the increase in those conversions, but when they do so.


How are we going to now remarket to them: how are we going to increase our lifetime values?


So, asking questions, if you do not need to publish books, are going to be useful for a business. Like, I don’t know something basic. What, were you born in dancers, move, you’re on a map of your birthday cake? Maximum is $10 on those?


Or if they bought a child’s clothing product, how many children, as, well, they arrange ranges. Can I market you with a different age range, or different sets? Clothing, item, or, you know, was it more as a gift?


Now that segment it more And being a gifting customer and if it was for a gift, it was it, was it a mother or father was a birthday. So, you can retarget them with that occasion, again.


So, they seem to maybe change the way collected at a third party level can go right into our chat bot.


So going into a playpen automatically, so, say again, terrorist case.


Something that’s very niche, or knows you mentioned that greater than about, Well, it’s a by a program on God. They’re not going to buy an NFL card. Let’s say, if they purchased a sporting goods card, you could ask them whether they are interested in any of the schools. You know, if.


The best way to learn about a consumer, what they want, and how they want to be marketed to, to ask them, just saying, What are you into?


Why did you buy this?


So that then you can take that data and grow upon it is really good piece of advice for myself.


Yeah, I really liked, I liked the comment you made around integrated tech stack, Right. So, from a search perspective, when we have integration with reviews dot IO, were able to sort on top right of products, filter on top rated products. Because we know that they convert really well. And boost top right of products for the top of the results, as well, which often can lead to that higher price point items as well, such having tech stack that integrates into each other, and brings it all together as well. As … was talking about earlier, really understanding the shop with a certain items is not going to be interested in other different types and having that good understanding. That can then be used to continue to drive the ongoing consumer confidence, as well.


Let’s wrap up this section with your top tips KN.


Yeah, definitely so upset if you don’t, but just making sure the trustees every part of the journey in, the buying journey. So, yeah, ensuring that you’ve got that that showcasing who that customer is, an attribute nature, and additional questions. You know how to decide what size they are you taking to the changing room to a website to give that relates ability of mixing. That end, we’ve UGC an image based of and then also listen to your customers.


Ask them, so, know, why did you buy this? What is the problem? Why are you trying to solve it? How well did something with it, A gift, because they’re telling you then how to better marketing, and this can be automated.


You’re now getting the ability to give them future offers, future education or future product ranges that are going to be applicable to them so it’s not a spray and pray.


And he’s going to land it is, to a degree, quite personal to them, and what they’ve done and interact with you as a brand, Right? And that all folds into growing that lifetime value of a customer, which is which is great, and now I’m like, Yeah.


Touch on that, on what Kim was saying, that one of the things that I’ve found with reviews, that iOS, that establishing that trust is really important. And getting a lot of Google reviews, for example, is a big part of that, because I think most of my customers, check Google first.


I was really scared, too.


Go with another Review’s app that was going to get a whole bunch of reviews of people in bulk, because, as, as Fiona mentioned, there are all the different buying cost of the buying journey.


And so often with our products that pre-orders their delight and historically, with so reviews from people, and gotten a lot of 1 and 2 stars. Because people are like, well, I haven’t even got the autumn yet.


Um, what we found with reviews at IO is that they understood that buying journey.


And that we got 10 times the amount of Google reviews in a short period of time, that will all, basically 4 or 5 star reviews, mainly feist RV’s, because of that understanding. So it is, it’s very important.


Who you are, when you ask, and how you ask is, is definitely how we thought, OK. So, yeah, Great.


Absolutely, that’s really, really good advice. I’m really good feedback. As I said, we’re going to shift gears slightly and talk about customer data. And I know we’ve we’ve started touching on this already. but having that huge amount of incredible customer data across the tech stack, making brands and retailers often data rich information or I’m really looking into, piano had a great and start on this earlier. How to personalized customer experiences at scale. To drive that repeat scale, repeat sales, and long term brand loyalty.


I’m gonna open the floor up to you, you to fall, to start off, to give you context my role all day long, I’m speaking to merchants. And two things that seem to continually persist in the market today, particularly in quarter one, was that brands are spending a tremendous amount of time and effort collecting all of this great customer data, but then they’re finding a disconnect, because they can’t translate that information into actual insights, kind of making that tag of, like, they are very data rich, information poor. Let’s say, then you layer that with the fact of, often this information is spread across siloed systems. Kind of what we’ve talked about before a disconnected tech stack to some of those data points could be.


I don’t know your inventory ALP, pause systems, sales transactions, first party data. And if you’re not, if you don’t have a centralized view on all of this data, it becomes really difficult to try not to repeat sales and then, ultimately, loyalty. So, that’s kind of the context to the two challenges I’ve picked. Here, we go to the next slide. We can dive a bit deeper.


But, essentially, that’s why clavier was founded. We created a database that helps brands consolidate all of that data into one place. And then, from there, the software will extract that information and learnings to help you identify those gaps, areas of improvement, essentially, doing that analysis. And once you’re on, those learnings, hopefully, should build out some customer journeys.


So to give you some, I suppose, is an example of a real-life example, kind of leaning on to what Kate and can have already discussed. Say someone’s given your branded, absolutely delighted review. Clavier would segment of this customer, as, let’s say, happy.


So you may want to send that customer of referral, link to send out to their friends, so that they can showcase a product product, ultimately brought during your reach. But what is ultimately is doing is building out your database and an extended group of users. So, I think going back to my time as a marketer often, I don’t know if we all do this, but I felt like I would do this. I would make assumptions about what the customer looks like, the content they want to see when they want to see it now. That clavier as essentially here when you ingest all of that data into Columbia when now making data, that decision’s not assumptions based on our own biases.


Say, probably leaning into, I suppose, how being data rich information poor. So we’ve consolidated our data. We found the learnings that we found the insights now. It’s time to personalize that customer experience. And I think that’s a massive problem you want to see And what we e-commerce friends facing right now, it’s how we meant to drive repeat purchase rates. And people seem to be jumping on the site buying once and disappearing. So how can we re-engage that?


Essentially, it loops back to that previous point that brands are not utilizing the data that they have available to them. This, then, ultimately, will impact the customer experience and the columns that the brands are sending out, because essentially not good enough extensive to bring them back onto site. So I think a key thing for me here as, like, a tip would be that relevance is key in communications. are releasing easy example. Would they say, Look, we’ve got a baby brand, as an example, and someone buys into the baby collection, versus the total luck collection? It seems glaringly obvious, but when someone’s buying into that newborn collection, the next automated comes, could potentially, be a blog article about the Clothing Guide to keep that newborn baby comfortable, then, it could be followed with a product recommendation, which is backed by Searchspring to help. How can that, how can we relate that new book, that newborn, to the need state?


So it seems obvious, but then if someone is buying until taught a total of collection, ultimately, then we want to send them down a very different route. So suddenly we’re separating out that audience, knowing what they buy when they buy, and matching the columns, to re incentivize them to come back and trust your brand quick. Call out. I love, I love set.


Repeat purchases will spend three times as much as a first cut, first time buyer. So, setting up those, post purchase retention flows is key to influencing that repeat purchasing behavior, So if you take anything away, please go into your … accounts and start setting that automation up.


Um, that’s a quick dump of info.


That was great. I want to ask you a question ’cause I know this is really topical when it comes to growing lifetime value of a customer, tips for growing and getting those options for e-mail and SMS campaigns.


Oh, my gosh, what a good question. two points here. The first point is your e-mail and SMS experiences are only going to be as good as the data that’s essentially powering them. So, please make sure that all of your daughters flowing in and that’s powering these automations is as strong as possible. And then the second would be that SMS marketing should not be batch and blast channel that leaves kind of siloed out from the rest of your marketing activities. Great, SMS works in tandem with e-mail and on-site experiences. So when you think of like e-mail, it’s really good at weekly newsletters, blog articles, weekly sales like that regular re-occurring sequence of combs. Whereas SMS, probably the two things to consider here is what we talk about a clay though.


Its relevancy, an urgency. So say a sales running out, there’s an urgent offer, that’s time bound, that’s a perfect channel to use the SMS phi.


Or another example would be helpdesk platforms. The number one question that customers ask is where is my order, right?


Implement post purchase e-mail and SMS series to that so that the more the customers hearing from you, the better. So, I think shipping auto delivery confirmations.


That’s an example of, How can we interweave e-mail and SMS to overlap ultimately experienced from the user’s experience perspective.


Yeah, I love that. And I love that kind of creating that kind of agencies. So we power for a lot of our clients and site, whether it’s selling fast, or low stock, or less chance, badging on products. So the take purchase before it sells out. So I think that that’s a really good tip, that Verizon big clavier fan. Why don’t you talk us through a little bit about your experience so far with Claudio?


Yeah, absolutely.


Fiona just mentioned brands. Not utilizing data.


Absolutely hand up.




I look at the data. I feel like I understand it. But actually utilizing it.


It it’s just not in my wheelhouse. It’s not something that I’m good at. It’s not something that I’ve ever been confident that the companies and apps that we’ve dealt with have been good at.


And as I’ve mentioned before, so reluctant to switch over to Clavier because I felt that what I was using was doing everything that I could see on the clever your homepage.


And I was eventually convinced by my marketing team to blow my head of marketing to switch and the automatic flows, which, to me, look the same. Like, I don’t see the significant difference.


They just hit different.


We’ve seen twice the amount of revenue from our automated flows.


And, oh, click open.


And order rights are also way up on on competitors. I won’t name them. I’m not going to fasten were terrible. They just clearly not as good.


The, the fact is that what …


is doing better, in my, my opinion is, it is utilizing that data.


It’s not asking me to try to, to understand it, to do a university course in it. It’s just doing it.


And the results speak for themselves.


I love that, Great to see those results. And tangible results that you can actually quantify, as well, and making me question why you didn’t do it earlier. So, that’s really good. So now, we’re going to shift to some questions, and we’ve got some questions coming through. If you do have a question for any of our panelists, drop it into the chat, the first one being, any tips on how to evaluate the right e-commerce tech stack? Can, do you wanna take that one?


Yeah, definitely, I think, the main thing is obviously talking to each other. You know, every, we’re talking about, so when we talk about Clay, they’re just on this golden reviews at IO.


Best in breed, for what they do like, …


just mentioned that, you know, moving overseas tags actually see a significant increase. It’s really important that you’re looking at types with best in breed integrations in an agnostic. So you are able to speak to, So for reviews, for example, would be speaking to a ticketing system.


You know, heaven forbid you get that negative review. It goes into a ticketing system or goes into a flow, before someone’s able to manually reply, goes into a flow, with … to spout immediate apology. We’re looking at it or something like that.


That’s a very basic sense, but really for me, it’s, is technology to talk to each other. So, like …, about how we can filter by top rated products and things like that. People want to buy in different ways.


Our technologies are best in breed for doing certain things.


It’s about them talking together, so always, when looking at going on to a new solution, or solution provider, the way I would look at these integrations, and how is that going to work. Not only today, but as my business grow up with technology.


Yeah, I like that. Where I always start is doing an evaluation of how the site is performing today, and one of those areas for optimization. And I think Grayson relates really well. Say, How do you evaluate the tech stack and make decisions, And understanding what that value is that you’re gonna get back. And really, in this current climate, trusting on tech partners that have tried, trusted, proven, have those best practices, have an experience with, helping lean into clients to get the most out of it. And a real understanding of what that value piece is coming out of it.


So, particularly if you’re looking at basic entry level, or plugins, solutions, that have got the business to where it is today, but there were some, some challenges, or pinpoint some really getting clear on what that are, our why business cases. We’re definitely seeing in the current climate that they, there’s more we get going on around business case approvals, and ROI, and expected outcomes of projects. And we’re here as a tech partners to help on that Jen Aid so that those projects get the green light by the CFO or the Finance Manager, and that they can start delivering value as soon as possible. Let me jump across to the next question, Grayson, what’s the best way to get started with focusing on increasing repeat customers?


Oh, wow.


It’s to me, it’s all about community.


It’s all about that customer, They have to have a good experience to begin with, so you need to have really good posts, order support.


But, you want to make sure that there, that, when they come back, they’re finding the right sort of products easily that enable them to, to very quickly perceive you as the only place they need to go to shop.


And whether or not that is speaking to them, through through flows, and making them feel constantly connected to your brand, or making sure that they are able to easily find that, that information, um, those products.


But, I think the moment that they start to look around or that someone else starts to coddle them, better than then, you’re starting to lose that battle.


I think I really like that commentary from a marketing perspective. Full transparency, I think, consumers, if you’ve got a good product, the product will sell that at its core. Your brand ethos, I feel like I’m spending a lot of time lately talking to brands about, what is the reason that your company came about? What’s the ethos? Kinda linking to that community community message where you really can undermine that. Because it is so powerful, if you’re buying into a brand, you’re borrowing into, hopefully, some perspective, or some way of life, some lifestyle choice. Whatever that is that makes your brand stand out against competitors, ultimately is really powerful.


Yeah, absolutely. And I think, one, focusing on me, driving traffic to side, making sure that first time shop at converts, and then really understanding what that ongoing journey is for those different types of shoppers, and helping them navigate to the best product for them as quickly as possible. We’ve got time for one last question, and say Advice. What’s your advice for seeing the most effective e-mail and SMS marketing? And we’ll start with you Fiona!


Oh, that’s a good question.


Actually, like I kind of touched on it before, in terms of like having e-mail and SMS under clavier, one, you’re getting the benefit of, it’s all under one platform. So, basically attribution and multi channel reporting. But also from the perspective of, we actually like to say more revenue from pure messages.


So, looking at what are the avenues that SMS is required and will have upticks, because we know that SMS open rates smashing it like 98% open rates which is phenomenal, looking at where does it fit in within your tech and the strategy and where is it probably best suited. An example, as a takeaway, for people on the call, is, maybe you’re running Enclave you, an abandoned cart series, And say, you’ve got a high value caught size to make the abandoned cart message more personalized. We could send it via text, noting that, if it’s high value, probably it needs a little bit more nurturing from your end, and also driving that experience. So, that’s an example of how we could embed the two overlap.


So, the melanoma estimates together Great. And geisen, it sounds like that’s really worked for you since migrating across to Claudio. going live with Clay, The old, really looking at those flows, to make sure that top converting.


Yeah, I think so.


My advice is, to lean into two caveats, a system like Fiona, the Flows are established.


Done all the testing. They know, they know what needs to happen. But speak in your voice.


So whatever your company’s voices, make sure that you get that, that, that narrative, the copy in your voice, because it’s not in your voice, you’re your customers and your community, they’ll just see it as another e-mail to two.


Absolutely, and I think each of that really well from that whole community pay, some released that you’ve spent a lot of time understanding your shoppers and different types of shoppers, as well.


So, that takes us to time to say, thank you once again, for everybody that has joined in today, or if you’re catching the recording of this later, thank you for watching. Again, we’ve got those call to action. So with Search spraying, download your e-book to pick up those low hanging fruits and drive more revenue from Effective Site search. We have the 14 day trial of reviews dot IO. And Ken would love to talk all things, reviews and strategies for building that trust and confidence. And then, we have with, I Play video that free customer journey consultation with a clavier product expert. So, if you’re new to …, if you’re already using …, but want to dive into that a bit more, if you’re only using … as some of that service lines and want to look at the service lines. But the real focus on, how do we continue to grow that lifetime customer value? So, thank you to my amazing panelists. It’s been great to hear all of your insights today, and look forward to continuing the conversation soon. Have a great day, everybody.


OK, Hi.

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