Updates with March 2018

This month at Searchspring – We’ve streamlined your tools for merchandising, boosting, and even logging in! These updates help to make things faster and easier to understand. They also allow you to make more informed decisions than ever before.

Log in With Your Google Account

Management Console users can now more easily login to the SMC. They do this by using a Google account with the same email address as their SMC account. No manual configurations are required, simply login and go!

google login searchspring management console

A Better Cursor

From the feedback we’ve received, the cursor in Visual Merchandising has been improved. We wanted it to be easier to use and with less clutter. In addition to double clicking a product to pin it, you can also click the new “Move to cursor” button at the bottom right of any product.

updates with visual merchandising ui cursor

See Where You’re Merchandising

You can now easily get a high-level view of where you’ve already set up merchandising in Search and Category Insights. If you already have a campaign setup, the link to merchandise will say “Edit Campaign”, while it’ll say “Create Campaign” if you don’t yet have a campaign set up.

updates with search and category merchandising link

Know Exactly Where Your Products Are

Knowing the exact position numbers of products can be used to have greater context into how you’re changing your product listings, and helps you gauge how pages and positions on your site could be affected as well. For example, if you’ve set up your site to have 32 products per page, check out the products beyond #32 to see what’s on page 2.

updates. position numbers visual merchandising

Default Sort Boost Rule

Opening up the black box of how products are ordered is important – so we’ve added some transparency into the Boosts toolbox in Visual Merchandising to show that we are always applying your site’s default sort option as the final product sorting tie-breaker after any boost rules you have set up.

default sort and boost

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