Updates – Facets, Boost Rules, Search

Updates with several different products, including Sorted Facets, Boost Rules, Search. For our July release, we’re providing a smart new way to dynamically manage your Faceting options, giving you much more visibility into how our features and data work together, and making your site search & product indexing faster than ever.

searchspring july 2017 product update

Smart Sorted Facets

smarter faceting

Faceting on your site with Searchspring has gotten a major upgrade with Smart Sorted Facets! The interface improved and easier to use. We’ve also introduced Smart Sorted Facets: Giving you the power to have your facet fields dynamically ordered depending on the context of the shopper’s page. Facet fields can now be ordered by the facets that apply to the most products that are being viewed. For example, if a shopper is viewing a page for Drill Bits, then a “Drill Bit Size” facet is going to show up much higher than other facets that don’t apply.

Enhanced Boosting Rules Visibility

visual merchandising boost values

Viewing the effects of boost rules is now easier than ever. When adding boost rules in Visual Merchandising, the boosted values are displayed on each product in the interface. This gives you a direct view into the affect your rules are having on your products, and why. When a boost rule is no longer applying to a product, it will simply say “none matching” for that field.

Show Fields in Search Preview

show all fields

You can now interpret your products’ data in visual detail. You can do so with the new “Show Fields” option in our Search Preview tool. Whether you’re simply interested in seeing what values the products on a certain page have, want to see the effects of boosting rules, or want to visually analyze any other details about your product’s in any other context, you can now do so through Search Preview.

Search / Relevancy Optimizations

We’ve made several enhancements to our core Search functionality. We have begun rolling out a major new experimental relevancy algorithm that allows search to consider the types of products more. This also allows us to begin rolling out Boosting Rules to entire sites, including search and category pages.

In addition, searching speed has been improved, and some filters work more effectively now.

Indexing Improvements

Indexing your site is now faster and more efficient thanks to improvements in the ways indexing and searching share resources, reductions of errors, better backups, and smarter field recognition.

Enjoy these new updates!

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