Partner Spotlight: WM.Digital

WM.Digital has over 10 years of experience in web design, development, and online marketing. With this, they are able to offer the most advanced websites on WordPress (WooCommerce), Shopify, and Magento. They focus on featuring the latest in website technologies, unique UI/UX, and the most original marketing tactics and tools.

When it comes to working with clients, truly understanding their needs is a critical part of their process. It is something that is usually overlooked. “Especially with ecommerce, it’s really important for us to break things down and visually be able to take the customer through a journey, and so we do that with the development of our ecommerce client’s website.” says Bradley Cummins, Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer.

WM.Digital Partnerships 

Besides taking the time to understand clients’ needs, they also partner with trusted companies. They seek out strategic partners in a variety of industries with solutions that are tested, and that they genuinely believe would benefit their clients.

“We chose to work with Searchspring because they take care of their clients in the same way we do. Searchspring takes the time to examine our clients’ data and ensure it meets the system requirements. They create a functional requirements document with a full breakdown of the features that they will deliver to the client for approval so that the integration is curated and seamless and the configuration is set up properly so no information gets left behind. On the front end, the search and navigation features integrate into our clients’ existing designs seamlessly and the UI/UX is intact. Our client’s success is our success and we can’t achieve that without our partners,” says Sze Liu, Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Strategist. 

Want to learn more?

WMD offers a 30-day warranty on all website projects and one-hour training for all website design and development projects. Visit to learn more. 

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