Cross-selling examples to try on your ecommerce store

Cross-selling is a sales tactic as old as the phrase, “would you like fries with that?” It’s all about those subtle suggestions that are so easy to say yes to as a consumer, whether it’s a side order that was already tempting you on the restaurant’s menu, or the gum you probably would have forgotten to add to your cart if you hadn’t spotted it while waiting in line at the corner store. 

As traditional as it may be, cross-selling also has a place in the world of ecommerce. Looking for inspiration on how to cross-sell more products on your online store? You’ve come to the right place. Try these tactics to improve product discovery, help shoppers find items they didn’t know they needed, and ultimately, boost your average order value. 

Cross-sell meaning and definition

First things first: let’s clear up any confusion over what cross-selling means, and how it differs to upselling. 

Cross-selling is suggesting additional products that complement the item being purchased. For example, if a shopper is looking for a wedding gown, you may cross-sell them a pair of shoes that would go well with the dress. Or, if a customer is shopping for a laptop, you might cross-sell them compatible accessories like a laptop case or portable mouse.

Cross-selling isn’t just a way to generate more revenue. It’s a form of anticipating shoppers’ needs and providing them with top notch customer service. Showing customers matching accessories makes their shopping experience easier. 

Upselling, by comparison, means suggesting alternative, similar items at a higher price point. In the laptop example above, you might choose to recommend a comparable, but slightly more expensive device instead of focusing on complementary accessories. Read more on upselling here. 

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