May 2018

May 2018…We’re finishing the old, and bringing in some new! This month, we’re adding some finishing touches on the rollout of Boost Rules functionality, and we’re introducing the beginning rollout of a new Product Recommendations widget as well as a faster new data fetcher!

Override Boost Rules With Ease

Merchandising on both global and specific levels can be complicated, so we’ve made it easier and more clear to see when a campaign is using globally set rules, and what those rules are. This also allows you to make tweaks to override those boost rules right there in the Boost toolbox!

searchspring inherited

Display Rich, Dynamic Product Recommendations

We’re working on creating a brand new way to display product recommendations on your site: allowing you to not only show any product info you want, but to set filters, sorts, and more! This is still in the early phases of testing, but feel free to reach out to your customer success representative if you have interest or ideas.

product recs searchspring

A Smarter, Faster Way to Keep Your Store Updated

We’re beginning to roll out one of our biggest data initiatives to date, now with three stores testing! The new system, currently called DACQS, constantly checks your store for updates and stores them on our temporary severs to ensure a faster and better indexing experience.

dacqs animated

And More in May 2018!

  • 22 Bugs Squashed
  • 4 Optimizations
  • 3 Features (Above)
  • 2 Subtle UI Improvements

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